Monday, May 22, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 The weekend went by pretty fast.  Gardening continues daily, as well as yard work. We are planting less than usual, and making some changes.  We have yet to get the raised beds built, and that is due to life in general.

The weather has been nice in the 50's at night and 70's in the day time.  We won't see rain for a week or so however.

The new chicks have finally figured out the ramp into the coop.  Getting them all inside at night is going much smoother.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
As I said above, nights are about the 50's, with days in the 70's. 

As I look outside my window . . .
The sun is up.

Right now I am . . .
Making coffee, and getting this post up.

Thinking and pondering . . .
So, I am thinking we need a garden bed, or raised bed just for potatoes.  They don't grown well with so many other vegetable plants.  I have some to plant, but they may go in grow bags this year.  

Listening to . . .
Rock and Roll station

How I am feeling . . .
Tired.  I need to get back to my regular work out routine.  Garden work is exercise, but I need my routine back.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Leftover bacon/bell pepper/onion and cheese omelet

On the reading pile . . .
I haven't had time to read.  Between garden work and inside work, it's just not happening.

On the TV . . .
Honestly?  Whatever looks interesting.

On the menu . . .
-Sloppy Joes, Sweet potato baked fries
-Sheet pan chicken and veggies
-Leftovers with roasted rosemary asparagus

Looking around the house . . .
I have a pile of donations to take, but I may be adding to the pile.  There are things that still need finished from renovations, but like I said, life is pretty hectic at the moment, so those jobs remain on a to-do list.  

I'm pretty sure the flower bed expansion job will remain on the list until spring.  We just have too many interruptions, complications, and happenings going on.

On the to-do list . . .
-unload dishwasher, wash and dry dishes
-bake a breakfast (French Toast and Sausage links)
-garden work (all week on the to-do list)
-make a call for a free estimate 
-tear down garden start stand, and disassemble lights, and put everything back in storage.
-water porch flowers
-sweep/mop floors
(this list may be the "all week" to-do list ha ha!)

From the camera . . .
Nothing.  I've been pretty busy with the garden, so no photos.  I did see our finches the other day, but didn't have my camera.  I also had a visit from a red-throated hummingbird, and didn't get a photo either.
Prayers . . .
A co-worker of one of my brothers who is battling stage 4 cancer.  He went through 6 months of chemotherapy, and was doing great, and some tumors where completely gone.  However, he has suddenly gotten sick, and has a rapidly growing tumor on his liver.  Please pray for Jerry.


  1. I miss gardening, we did that at our last home but haven't grown anything here yet. Maybe after the kids are out of school this week! I have been so happy to see some hummingbirds! I love watching them, and ours just showed up over the last couple of weeks! Looks like your todo list is a long one, I hope you get a lot accomplished! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Stacy, some years I wish I wasn't gardening ha ha! Some years it's the weather that makes if frustrating too.

  3. Sending positive vibes for your friend.
    Spring is such a busy season, no wonder most of us are tired. ah well, summer is coming!

  4. Praying for your family! Gardening is frustrating here too. I feel like I am constantly playing catch up, ugh.

  5. Luludou, yes, spring is very busy for sure.

    Joanna, the weather can also cause havoc on what gets done and what does not get done.

  6. Hope you were able to get all your to do list items done this week. I'm also so happy to see the hummingbirds. Hope you are getting ready for a wonderful weekend!

  7. Jean, I'm crossing the list off, but still have a few to do. Thanks.


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