Sunday, May 21, 2023

. . .from the handiwork journal

Warmer days are arriving, so this may be put on the back burner until fall.  We'll see, I guess.  It's still in progress.

Another wire crocheted/beaded pair of earrings, but this may be the last.  I am donating all the beads I have soon.

On good weather days, I'm spray painting these last small clipboards.  I will add magnets to the back for fridge note paper.  I just wanted them done and ready for gifting if needed.  I should have just donated them, but it's getting done.

. . .still working on the other square doily for the living room.

. . .and lastly (that I know of ha ha!), this scarf is finished!!!  However, I have a bit more yarn, so a matching hat may be my go-to, on-the-go project soon.



  1. Love the scarf. Happy Sunday.

  2. You are so productive! I struggle for weeks to get even one handwork project done. (Maybe that will change once I finally get my sewing room done!). That scarf looks so huggable! And that's really saying something, considering how warm it's getting these days.

  3. Thank you Leigh. I struggle to get any handiwork time in my day, but when I collapse at the end of the day, I try to get a few rows of something made. I have been too tired to do any reading though.


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