Saturday, April 22, 2023

Tales of Grandma ~ I Learned Something New!


Years ago, my Dad gave me a container of "crafty" items from his mother (my Grandma).  She lived through the Great Depression, and was very creative on recycling "trash" into items to sell (above is a magnet she made).

She used to recycle egg cartons, but punching holes out using a single hole punch.  She would make many things with them, and in the container, along with several bags of punched circles, was a magnet she made with other styrofoam trays.  My biggest memory from these punched circles, was her necklaces she made with them, using dental floss to string it and other beads.  Several years ago, I wrote about it.  You can get directions on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot.

She also made beautiful beaded jewelry.  I have completely emptied that container, sorted it and boxed most of it up.  It will be donated to a home where they house women recovering from mental/health and addiction/recovery issues.  They are very "crafty" and were asking for craft donations.  

The business also asked for beads as well, and that container had a lot of beads.  Some of them were such a beautiful color, I was hesitant to let go of them.  I mean the container has been stored (and not opened) for over 20 years now.  I probably would have made something with them, had I even remembered they were in there.

However....he he he

I learned something new this year!!  I try to learn something new ever year, but this was completely spontaneous.  I had the wire (the exact size wire oddly) in my own stash, and well....learned how to crochet with wire.

First, it used a lot of wire to learn this.  Second, go slow with wire (vs. yarn), and third, watch all the YouTube videos you can to get all the tips and tricks for beginners.  

I had the earring levers already, but I have learned in this process, that the tools I have in my own stash are not that great for this.  The wire cutter especially.  Don't buy the kits at the big box store.  Spend the extra for better tools.  I haven't used my tools in a long time, but I realize with this project, I need to upgrade if I want to make more of these types of projects.

Grandma's beads are so beautiful in color, that I could not help myself to make something with them (before I departed with them).  I only have 3 colors of beads in the size to make the hoop earrings.

Here is the link to the pattern that inspired the hoop wired earrings:  Beaded Crochet Wire Earrings.  Keep in mind she does not give instructions for beginners, and to do some video watching (search YouTube) first before attempting.

I still have a lampshade made with styrofoam egg cartons and plastic beads.  It still works to this day, but my husband will not let me give it away.

My Grandma (Dad's side), also grew a garden, canned, raised chickens (eggs and meat), and sewed all of her clothes.  I think it was my Grandpa that made homemade cherry wine, that my Dad got into and tasted it without Grandma and Grandpa knowing.  Dad said it tasted horrible, ha ha!

I am gathering my information to post about the newest afghan pattern I am currently crocheting.  I hope to post that tomorrow.


  1. Those earrings are beautiful.x

  2. My grandmother also lived through the depression. She found a use for everything! She was an accomplished quilter and most of her quilts were made from old clothes that she cut up. She knit and crocheted blankets, sewed clothes (I still have a couple of dresses she made for me when I was little) and no scrap of food ever went to waste. We can learn a lot from those who "made do" during the depression. Your earrings are beautiful. I bet they will be a big seller when you get back into craft shows. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Thank you Debi. You are right about what we can learn from our grandparents. Today, things are so expensive, so making something from anything at home is a good idea too.

  4. Those are beautiful earrings and I have never heard of crocheting with wire so I guess I have learned something from your grandma as well.


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