Sunday, April 23, 2023

Gardens are Ready ~ Crochet Pattern ~ A Mix of Granny Ripple and Double Crochet/Single Ripple with Straight Edge Start

The compost has all been tilled into the gardens, and they are ready for planting next month.   We still need to build the new raised beds, but we are ahead of schedule thankfully.   We are still working on purchasing an electric solar fence.

The recent weather was perfect to catch up on laundry and dry it on the clothesline.  It's been a long week, and we got some rain too.

By the way, those Einkorn waffles I posted about the other day?  Well, they taste great re-heated.  They are not a crunchy waffle, and are soft, but so good!

A few of you mentioned you were interested in the pattern for the most recent, and newest, afghan I am crocheting.  I have to admit, this pattern is getting rave reviews, and a lot of inquiries. 

I had spent time searching for a new pattern to use up yarn colors I had in my stash, and this is the one I came up with.  As I said previously, the woman who wrote the pattern mentions to change your yarn color differently.   You basically can do what you want, and I love that she includes a graph at the end of the pattern, so you can customize your afghan by the size you want to make the afghan, and with what size yarn you are using.

I first found this pattern at:  The 6-Day Kid Blanket
At the very bottom of this pattern, the author and creator, shares the graph I was explaining about.  It is very helpful in deciding size of blanket and what yarn/hook you want to use.

I did more digging and found her pattern for:  How to start your 6-day kid blanket with a Straight Edge

I used the instructions for starting with a straight edge (this pattern is the second link I shared).  I have never crocheted a ripple pattern with a straight edge start, and I really like it so far.  I don't think I have ever crocheted a granny stitch ripple either, and I love this combination and look.  I will be playing around with the blanket and yarn sizes this year.

I've gotten a bit more done on it, as of today.

In appearance, the afghan with the blue and green in it, is an inch shorter in width than my last blanket, but I will end it with a edging.  The first  pattern link will also have information on edging designs for the blanket.

I plan on making some lap afghans and a few baby blankets down the road, using this pattern.  It would be great for a scrap lap afghan too.


  1. I love the colors you chose for this blanket. Beautiful!

  2. Thank you Debi, I am glad to use up some yarn stash, and I am enjoying the look of this pattern so far. I would love to see how pinks and whites would like with this pattern. I may try that with the smaller afghan.

  3. This is a beautiful blanket. I would love to crochet again, but I just haven't found the right way to learn it again.


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