Friday, April 21, 2023

Einkorn Waffles ~ Purge/Extreme Clean Update ~ Spring Flowers


There is so much going on here right now.  Crazy busy with purging and re-organizing a lot of "stuff" in our closet.  I decided to take a slower morning, and tried Jovial's Einkorn (recipe is on their website) waffle recipe that uses yogurt in the recipe.  I had to use more dishes than I would like in the morning, but they were good.  They turned out nice and fluffy, but need cooked about 1 minute longer than traditional recipes (or they will be doughy in the center).  Delicious!

We are going through every single tote that was in the closet.  Together we emptied 5 totes (so far).  I am washing them out and putting them aside for now (I may be able to use some for yarn).  We will not get rid of them for sure.  They are too expensive to buy right now (like about everything else).

We are once again having wonderful weather, and the spring flowers are blooming on the homestead.

Update on the chickens and barley grass.  They don't seem interested in it.  They like the lentil sprouts the best, but all chickens are different.


  1. Gorgeous tulips ♥

    I've heard so much about Einkorn Flour, will have to try it one day.

  2. Ooooh, those flowers are lovely! Mine haven't bloomed yet so I'll just enjoy yours... thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Sandra, thank you!

    Debi, we have had some strange warmer weather (early) this year.

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! Such pretty colors.

    Funny about the chickens. I'll have to try lentil sprouts for ours. They are so unpredictable. But if one likes it, the others will want it too!

  5. Leigh, thank you. The lentil sprouts are so easy to grow, and I think they find them fun to eat.


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