Friday, October 28, 2022

Sunny Day ~ More Cactus Blooms


We had a beautiful sunny day, but it was cold.  Look at all those leaves.  A dog's dream.  Jesse loved to run and jump in piles of them.  Of course, out in the country, we do not rake these.

Mom's Zygo cactus has more buds this time around.  So beautiful.


  1. Every year I buy a Christmas Cactus. They flower and then I repot them into a large planter I have.

    There must be four or five separate stumps of plants in there.

    On May 15 they go outside and come back in on September 15. Most years one of them will flower. No rhyme or reason which one.

    This year two are in bud. One hot pink and one white.

    Your's is looking good.

  2. Love all the leaves,so pretty. We are in the city ( unfortunatley) and not obsessed with leave removal as our neighbors are. It is amusing to watch them try to get each and every one off of their driveway. I love the smell of fall, and the aroma of the leaves, the crunch & colors. My cactus is budding also. They are a pretty plant.

  3. Thank you 50 and counting. It's loaded with buds right now.

  4. Faith, we never do leaf removal out here in the boonies, but I do like to get them off the patios before winter, or it's a mess in the spring.


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