Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's definitely back to reality today.  The treadmill, and other work out equipment are all moved to the upstairs.  The table I used for the sewing machine was moved upstairs, and the sofa moved as well.  It'll feel like a zoo around here again, but we are making progress.  The armoire we had used for the TV left the house Friday to a good friend.  Today I will measure an area rug from the living room.  If it's too big for a room upstairs, we'll donate it to the Habitat Re-store.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

I'll link up when she posts.  

The weather . . .

Rain, drizzle, 60's.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still dark out.

Right now I am . . .

Making more coffee, as it shuts off at 6am from the pre-set 4am pot.

Thinking and pondering . . .

We are considering taking the pellet stove out and replacing it with a gas fireplace.  The cost of pellets compared to gas is the question.

How I am feeling . . .

Mixed feelings.  It's hard to focus when there is so much going on in the house - move this to there, there to here, here to over there (ha ha!).

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.  Will figure that out soon.

What I am wearing  . . .

Still in PJ's, robe and slippers

On the reading pile  . . .

Haven't open  my recent book for a long time.

On the TV. . .

We just finished the 3rd older Walking Tall movie (watched all three).

 On the menu. . .

-Cajun Sausage and Red Beans, Quinoa, Broccoli
-Bruschetta chicken casserole (will try this with my home canned bruschetta)

Looking around the house . . .
It's chaotic, but I know when it's all done it will be beautiful and we'll have peace of mind getting the joists fixed.

To-do list . . .
-make a breakfast
-vacuum area rug, and deal with that
-go thru mail, clean up desk area
-label all the last canned jars and put away
-put canning recipe books away
....basically today is clean up all of the kitchen day (the best I can, as plants will be rotated back to the kitchen for their safety as we start working on ripping out carpet to see what we are dealing with).

From the camera . . .
We visited a new zoo (all outdoor) over the weekend.  It was spontaneous, and found out about it by accident, ha ha!  We got these birds, and others to talk to us.  Two ladies were watching us and got their cameras out, ha ha!  They'd say "I love you,"  "Hello,"  and laugh back when we laughed.  Loved it.  We squeezed some fun in a beautiful weekend, but it's back to work again today.

Devotional. . . 
Prayers for our friends who are moving to another state.  For our friend's wife A.  She was in the hospital for heart issues.


  1. We live just up the highway from Buford Pusser's home in McNairy County. When out-of-state visitors come, we make them watch the "Walking Tall" movies, and then we take them to his home museum and to his gravesite. Many local people were in the first movie when it was filmed in this area. A very good friend had the actual tombstone used in the movie for Pauline's grave. It had been up in his attic for decades. He was working for a glass company hired to replace windshields during the filming. When the sets were cleared at the end of filming, he was given the Styrofoam headstone. We went with him to donate it to the museum. Buford is a big deal in this area.

  2. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. You are right that all the chaos and mess will be worth it when you finish all your renovations. Hope you have a great week!

  3. M. Meyers, that is quite a story. He definitely made a legend of himself.


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