Thursday, October 27, 2022

Take Back the House and other ramblings....

 I was so busy cleaning, I did not get one photograph for today's post.  The pantry is almost done.  It's been wiped out and re-organized, other than waiting on two containers for my pasta.  We have really cut back on pasta, so the container is getting downsized, and it's cheaper to order online and have delivered than to make a trip all the way to the "Big City" with gas prices.

Once those arrive the pantry will be completely done, and much easier to take inventory for grocery days.  Daughter K had lots of stuff in there that had expired.  I imagine she forgot about them after she moved in two years ago.  Anyway, as I was in the process of that job, I found a few items in that room to toss and donate as well.

Our handy-man was out.  He tuned up our wood splitter, and we talked about the to-do list a bit.  I explained my washer was on the fritz and we chatted about that in case I need to hire him to help me.  My husband's long hours should be coming to an end in the next few weeks (thankfully).

I managed to find a few more boxes for the living room.  I do believe we finally found a few helpers to hire this weekend (yay!).  The treadmill will be moved finally, and this lady needs to get back on it too, ha ha!  I have to move some things around for ease, but we are finally starting to get things moving.  Hence "take back the house" phrase for this post, ha ha!  It's great to get things in order and have them stay that way for once.  

All the cut wood we had was split for winter.  We have to buy a few parts for the chainsaw before cutting more.  Always something needing something around here.  

Mucking the coop is still on the list.  Sigh.  I need to re-attach some pegs they knocked off too.  The ladies should be happier with today's weather.  Yesterday, it was cold, raining, and windy.


  1. well done on clearing out your pantry, I really need to do ours, I've no idea what's in there!

  2. Jill I measured my cupboards/shelves and bought open dry storage containers. So, for the taller shelves, I can pull the entire container out and check dates and use the older one up first. If I remember I'll have to get a photo. I have one for my dry pinto beans, one for broths etc.


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