Thursday, October 13, 2022

Moving into colder days again. . . .

 We did indeed get rain yesterday and during the night.  It will be a few days before I can return to weeding and pulling the last of the last of the garden.  I was glad for the rain though, as our newly planted mums needed it.  We are now moving into cooler days and nights.

So I was sitting on the porch and this decided to hitch a ride on my pants.  They fly fast, so you don't see them until they land.  Man, you never saw someone freak out and grab the fly swatter to get it off then kill it.  Then a few minutes later another one showed up on the side of the house.  We have never seen these at our place, other than a few years ago we saw one.  It was two too many for me in one day.  Not sure why we are getting more of them, but I was told they hitch to semi-tractor trailers.  Ugh.

My main cleaning job was to clean off my night stand.  I put away all the crochet hooks (ha ha!) that collected there, cleaned it with wood cleaner, dusted the framed photos and light etc.

To get some crochet time in, I have been making my make up remover pads (travel size) with black yarn.  I hope to be selling them at the salon along with my other smaller items.

I located one more place to donate lap afghans as well.  The committee on aging creates a basket of items for their monthly trivia contest to elderly that receive meals on wheels.  I believe I have an afghan on the hooks in a bag somewhere too.

1 comment:

  1. You are so busy and get so much accomplished each day! I have a few shawls that I need to donate somewhere. Hope you have a nice weekend!


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