Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Beautiful Weather ~ Christmas Prep


That's not all that I put on the clothesline, but I was thankful for good weather and got it out early and back down early.  Beautiful weather!  There was a good wind, so things dried pretty quickly too.

I also took advantage of the weather and put up our minimal Christmas lights.  I don't put many up, but they do make me happy.  It's way better to get them up on a warm day vs. freezing weather.  I had to laugh though.  We took the motorcycle out, as it may be the last best weather day to take it out, and when we got back home, the Christmas lights were on, ha ha ha ha!  I forgot the timer was set the same it was last year.  My husband laughed but quickly said, "Hurry! Turn those off so people don't think we are weirdo's!" Ha ha ha ha!

Not sure what today will bring.  They are calling for rain, thunderstorms, and a lot of wind.  I had plans to pull the last few plants out of the garden, but I may be inside working on the living room.  I have a few more things to pack up and move, and I have to move plants, and more furniture.

Speaking of weather, I planned to grill out tonight, but the weather may change that.

We had a stray cat come around the other night, but it looked to be in bad health.  Not sure if we'll see it again.

I have a long list on the to-do's around here, and realized I need to add some fun on the list, like get my lip balm re-stocked, or maybe get some travel soaps made, or even some Christmas ornaments made.  I am pretty sure, unless we gain speed on the floor in the living room, we won't be putting up a Christmas tree (wahhhhh!).  Hopefully we gain speed on that project.  We found a home for the Armoire in there, but it hasn't been picked up yet.


  1. I took advantage of the nice weather to clean out the front flower garden, and I planted some mums, I really hope they will come back, not had much luck with that. I thought it would rain today, but the forecast has changed so I'll water them. This is a good time to put up outside lights, before the snow blows sideways...brr.

  2. Haha motorcycle and Christmas lights on the same day! you just can't invent those things :)

  3. Faith, yes, so much better to put the lights up when it is good weather. One year I about froze my hands off. It's hard to do it with gloves on.

  4. Luludou, ha ha, yep. It may be the last good weather day for a motorcycle ride too.

  5. Cracking up about the Christmas lights coming on. Haha! But, great idea on putting them out when it’s still warm out!


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