Friday, October 14, 2022

Four Thieves Vinegar


I got 2 quart jars of 4 Thieves Vinegar made.  It is good for a year with proper storage, but needs to "brew" for 3-4 weeks.  I use Rosemary Gladstar's recipe.  For those who do not know what it is, you infuse it, drain it, and store it.   It's taken when you start to feel ill.  It doesn't taste that great, but it does work.  In the past, I have also made Fire Cider.

The weather will dip to the low 30's tonight.  Brrr!  I am not really ready for this.  Although it is nice to know the bugs will be gone.

I made beef stroganoff in the crock pot last night, only because I needed to use up the sour cream, but my husband was delighted.  The cost of everything is so expensive, I just can't afford to let anything go bad.

My yarn was piling up on the kitchen table, making hair clips for the salon. I literally filled a large reusable grocery bag, and put it all back where it belongs.  All, except a few colors of worsted weight yarn.  I am making a few more ear warmer headbands.  Daughter E is joining up with a co-worker to put up a tent and table to promote the salon soon.  They are putting together a basket to raffle, and I am donating a headband for the basket.

My husband told me he almost brought home 3 pumpkins for the porch that light up, and some orange string lights.  He knows I have no intention of fall decorations and have already put up the Christmas lights.  We got a good laugh, considering all the work we are trying to get done.  I told him, once the house is all in order, I will do a nice display outside for fall next year.  We may even have our own corn stalks to use.  It's just not happening here this year.

The winter check list is getting looked at.  I have oil for the oil lamps, and extra wicking.  We need to split more wood, and I have enough straw for the chickens.  I am also doing a re-check on seeds I saved and a plan for next years garden.  I really want to add more too it.

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