Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy November 1st!


My new Christmas light may be the only Christmas decor going up this year.  I do love it.  It doesn't play music, but it looks like it's snowing inside, and the barn is so cute.  I told my husband the ceramic tree my Grandmother made is buried behind two book shelves, so if he wants it up, we better get the floor done before December.

I made great progress yesterday with kitchen clean up, but all of the work out equipment upstairs is still in pieces, and difficult for me to get around it to put things away.  I sure hope our handy man is coming back to put it back together.

Every single canned jar was labeled and properly put where it belongs.  Recipe books went back to their shelf, and counter tops sanitized.

My fitbit racked up over 12,000 steps when I put laundry on the line last week (and pulled hot peppers).   Now we enter the time of year we get to rest and recoup to gain that energy we all need come spring.  I do not lack crochet/knit projects, that are not finished, so I am looking forward to that.

It would be so nice to spend Christmas in a cabin somewhere.  Maybe some day.  I am just hoping the living room repairs are completed before at least Christmas.  

Happy Fall Y'all!


  1. What a sweet Christmas decoration. I love lights, especially during winter.

    And congratulations on getting ready for the winter season! I'm organizing a handwork project (something I haven't done for years).

  2. Thanks Leigh, we bought it for a bathroom, but I put it in my kitchen where I can see it all day long. I love it.

  3. 12,000 steps! I am impressed! Time to sit and rest for a bit. I hope you can get your living room all squared away so that you can enjoy your holidays. I love your Christmas light, it's beautiful.


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