Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Good Weather Day


There are a few zinnias that I missed and survived the cold nights.  I'll have to make sure I have those too.  Today may be the last best weather day we'll have.  They say it'll get up to around 77°F today.

I am still moving furniture from here to there, cleaning up and getting ideas for hiring help for the living room project.  In order to move some furniture, I have to clear out space in another room.  I decided to let go of my 37 book collection of Janette Oke books.  I put them up for sale, but like I told my husband, everyone is selling and no one has the money to buy.

I just found out that Daughter E's booth rent is not just a whopping $500.00/month, but she has to pay another $100.00/month for the booth to do nails as well.  Horrible rent, so I hope it all works out for her.

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