Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Our weekend was busy, busy, busy, but we did have time to relax later on Sunday.  We had three events to attend, all in different towns, and one being a funeral. We didn't get home until 9pm.

We got one AC unit taken out and put in storage.  The smaller one fritzed out on us (14 years old), and will be scraped at a later date.  

My husband wanted more mums for the flower beds, so we added 6 plants.  

We had to replace the shower head in the camper, as it was leaking, and the RV store told us it was put together (took the old one there) using a home shower head, sigh.  

Today I am finally back to joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather. . .

We will heat up to the mid 70's this week for a few days and then we go back to he 50's during the day.

As I look outside my window. . .

The trees out front of the property are getting trimmed.  We are at a halt as the chainsaw broke down.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing another pot of coffee, waiting on the washing machine.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm considering freezing some brussel sprouts.  Has anyone done this?  Wondering if they thaw well for roasted ones or in other recipes?  

We are considering installing an alternative heat source while we are fixing the living room floor.  We are just getting up in years to the point we do not want to mess with splitting wood every year.  We are not eliminating it, but if you heat with wood you'd understand.  We are lucky to have ease is sourcing wood to cut, but have to have the boys come and bring the equipment to bring the dead trees to the house.  Once again, we are way behind on that as well.  We have some wood cut, but needs split.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Egg, cheese and sausage muffin sandwich, coffee.  My husband prepped the sandwiches yesterday thankfully.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea just yet. Probably PB and Jelly.

On the dinner plate . . .

BBQ Western Ribs, Sweet potatoes and possibly another veggie.

What I am wearing . . .

Sweatpants, t-shirt and slippers until I need to do the outside work.

On the reading pile . . .

On my TV this week . . .

We just watched Fried Green Tomatoes, but have been watching all the movies we have with Loretta Lynn in them.

On the menu . . .

-BBQ Western Ribs, Sweet potatoes
-Something grilled on the warmer days
-Beef Stroganoff over noodles and peas

Looking around the house . . .

My to-do list is long, as we prep to clear out the living room to start ripping up old carpet.  We have 3 people lined up to take the Armoire, and hopefully soon.  We are working on hiring a few people to move a table and treadmill for us as well.

The to-do list . . .

-empty dishwasher and fill it
-wash the other dishes
-wash bedding
-put some things back into storage
-clean more out of the living room
-put outside Christmas lights up (best to do when it's warm out)
-locate place to take more donations
-take other donations already packed up to their new homes
-take down the wind chimes and put in storage
-wash all camper bedding and put back in storage
-muck the coop and add extra straw for the up coming cold weather
-wash a window and put the curtain back up
-take down hanging porch pots, dispose and store hangers

From the camera . . . nothin' today

Devotional . . .

Prayers for Renne's family.  He and his wife were hit head on and Renne did not survive his injuries (funeral we attended).


  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Hope you can figure out your heating source and that you have a great week.

  2. Sorry for your loss.
    Have never tried freezing brussel sprouts.
    We have a propane fireplace in the LR.. so much easier then when we had a woodstove. We heat with electricity and the fireplace is good to take off the cold air in the morning. Our a/c also has heating but we have never used it yet. Today is the 1st time.

  3. So sorry for the loss of your friend. We heat primarily with wood but we do have a furnace as well. We used to split all of our wood but haven't for a few years now, we buy it split. My husband is 71 and I'm 69 and stacking it after it's delivered is more than enough for us. We only use our furnace in the early spring and fall when you just need to take the chill off in the morning or when we travel to see our daughter in Virginia during the winter. Hope you have a good week.

  4. The mums are so pretty. When you put them in the ground do you anything special with them? Do you plant yours in the ground now? I have not had much luck with them, maybe I am doing something wrong. The weather has been stunning hasn't it?

  5. Luludou, thanks for your info. I think we may look at a propane stove for the living room.

  6. Thanks Debi, when we moved into this house, they installed all baseboard electric heat (as before that it ran solely on a woodstove, crazy I know). It's too expensive to run electric, so we are looking at a propane stove, and use the wood stove as a back up possibly.

  7. Faith, I just plant them in the flower bed, but some do not make it, and some last for years.

  8. :::waving:::: Hello!
    Your Blog is just so beautiful and cozy!
    Our very old ac unit fizzled out on us the beginning of summer, I can relate!
    You can never have enough mums...tee hee.
    Our weather seems to be just about like yours, today is a dreary day where it is a perfect hot chocolate day. It isn't that cold, it just looks really
    I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee....puts any mood into a happy mood :)
    I have never froze brussel sprouts, but I think a quick blanche would work and then freeze. That is how I would do it if I did ....we do love brussel sprouts here.
    Your to-do list is inspiring and a great tip about putting Christmas lights up now...
    Prayers for your loved one who has passed and all involved. I am sorry.


  9. Thanks Julieann, I do love brussel sprouts, but have never stocked up on them. I may give it a try, and looking into canning recipes as well.


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