Saturday, October 15, 2022

Display arrived and other tidbits


The display finally arrived.  It's perfect for the small area our daughter has at the salon.  I'm donating one for a raffle the salon is doing as well.

It rained last night, and we had pretty bad wind.  There were a few fires in the area, and one being a field fire.  Crazy weather for sure.

I managed to box up for donations.  Just things we've had for years and never use.  Drop off days have changed though.  I guess it will give me more days to find more to donate, ha ha!

The weekend will involve us trying to get my husband into the eye doctor.  He thinks he got soap in one of his eyes, and the drops we have are not working.  It really looks bad, and he's in a lot of pain today.

I re-stocked our fresh fruits and vegetables, and will be making a meal plan based on what else we have on hand.  Prices are crazy high.  I had a short conversation with a person at the grocery store.  He was picking up pie filling and the can was almost $5!


  1. Hope your husband's eye issue is resolved.
    Did you get my email about ordering flower hairclips for my granddaughters?
    If this isn't something you are able to do, I understand.

  2. Soap in the eye - no fun! I hope you can get him into the eye doctor quickly.

    The display stand looks perfect. So pretty, all decked out.

    I'm guessing prices are changing all of our shopping habits. And they say they're only going to get worse! Bah humbug.

  3. M.Meyers, I am so sorry I have not checked my email, but will do that today.

  4. Leigh, Yeah, we think the soap got under his contact, and he didn't realize it until late at work. So far, he is feeling better but couldn't get into the eye doctor. I guess we'll see how he feels today.

  5. That's a nice display rack. Hope you have good sales. I can't imagine paying $5 for pie filling... yikes! I sure hope your husband can get into the eye doctor... soap under a contact sounds very painful. Have a great week!

  6. Thanks Debi, prices are out of control on just about everything.


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