Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Tomatoes and other Chit Chat


I spent the entire day re-staking and tying tomatoes.  They out grew their 4 foot stakes and the last rain gave them some growing juice.  Good gravy.  I was out there from 8am to a little after 2pm.  My muscles are sore today.  I had enough 5 foot stakes to get  them all upright, and now we can actually walk thru that jungle, ha ha!  I picked off 3 tomato worms, but I will have to check for any more daily.   One paste tomato is already turning red. Gulp!

When my husband got home he weed whipped around the garden and around the flower beds.  We paid our mower guy to trim the last two times, and he has not.  We will not hire him unless there is a horrible work schedule again.

Update on the bathroom.  Well, we will have to re-center the bathroom light fixture and mirror, and remove all caulk and re-do it ourselves.  I could have told the guy to re-do it, but it's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing.  You can bigify the photo to see how bad it looks.  Sigh....

My husband and I both agreed, that we just want the shower installed completely, toilet installed and sink in and hooked up.  We are just so frustrated with everything.  This is the 3rd time we've been dealing with expensive and terrible work, from hiring someone.  We only hired someone due to my husband's horrible work schedule the last two months.

Two days in a row, I did not get the pancakes made.  I was sweaty, hot and tired by the time I came inside.  Today, I decided the rest of the flower beds can wait a day, so I can catch up inside and get a real breakfast baked.  We do have a slight chance of rain in the afternoon, which we do need.


  1. How did you manage being out in that heat that long? Good job on getting the tomatoes staked. I haven't been able to do any of that, since we've had no rain and just horrible heat, not much of my garden has thrived, I'm so frustrated.

    Hope you get your bathroom done soon, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this nonsense.

  2. Sometimes you just have to do stuff yourself. It's hard to find good contractors that are reasonably priced. Sorry you are having such a hard time getting things done.

  3. Debi, you are right about doing things yourself.

  4. Sandra, I took breaks in the day. My husband said he'd help after work, but I forced myself to get it done so he could weed whip and a few other things.


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