Thursday, July 28, 2022

Just the Bits

 Although late, and due to rain again, I planted some shasta daisy seeds in the flower bed.

I also planted basil, cilantro and parsley for indoors.  

Made Einkorn pancakes and blueberry sausages for breakfast.


Baked another peach crumble, and a chicken/brussel sprout/carrot sheet pan dinner.

I love rainy days and yesterday was one of those.

I also printed another new crochet pattern.  Like a need another pattern...ha ha!

Daughter E came over and raided my closet.  She is attending a country concert soon.  She left with some cowboy boots, a summer dress and a jean's skirt.  Well, she helped purge my closet anyway, ha ha!

Our smaller bathroom now has a functioning toilet and sink.  The rest of the shower goes in today.

I filled a box with old dvd's, and it's ready to be taken to donate somewhere.

The green beans, cucumbers and squash are rolling in now.  Thanks to the rain, and the bell peppers are on, but not ready to harvest.

My errand day lists are growing, but today it's back to weeding the flower beds.  


  1. I just took a box of vinyl albums to the library for their next book sale. Maybe your library would take your CDs.

  2. So glad to hear the house repairs are coming along nicely. I just donated some dvd's as well. Seems odd that I felt the need to buy them and now times have changed that we rarely watch them.

  3. Katie, thanks for the reminder. The last time I called them, they were not taking any donations. Covid changed a lot of things about our little library.

  4. Carol, I let the kids take what they wanted, and some were their own purchases, or given to them by friends. A few were old games from PS1 that the kids had, and I am not even sure people have a PS1 anymore. A few were kids movies from when they were pretty young too.


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