Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Weeding ~ Tending Tomatoes and other ramblings


I spent the better part of the day weeding this part (my muscles reminded me this morning) of the front flower beds.  I have a lot more to do, but today I have to be in the tomato patches.  As you can see (sorry for the bath photos, I took them on my phone), there are no annuals. It just didn't happen in this bed.  Next year we'll get landscaping stones and it expand it out where we put tarps to kill the grass.  It will make mowing much easier.

During my husband's crazy long hours, we ended up with two different trims for the bathroom.  We had to run to the other "big city" and get the right trim so the bathroom could be finished up.  

We had a beautiful sunset last night.  Mom used to text me every night there was a beautiful one, because our sunset view is behind the house and behind the woods. I would not see it unless I was outside.

We ended up walking around the garden at dusk, to check on our motion sensor solar lights.  All are working, but one look into the tomatoes and I let a big sigh....I have more staking and tying to do.  Plus, the handyman used up the last of the gas, so if I will have to go get gas in order to do the tilling (again).

Today is one of those days I wish I had help.  Flower beds need finished weeding, tomatoes are in dire need of securing, beans need picked.....and oh, I have to paint one piece of floor trim this morning before I even go out the door.  I never got pancakes made yesterday.  I literally got the grill to the counter and that is as far as I got.  It's one of those whirlwind days today.

Speaking of the handy-man, since he changed his tune on payment amount regarding the bathroom, we are going back to doing the mowing and trimming ourselves.  However, the mower needs a new battery.  


  1. Wow, I bet your muscles spoke to you. I have some much needed weeding but the copperhead snakes are bad here and they like to bed in the weeds when it is so hot so I will wait until September. I try to do a little here and there so it isn't so bad but I like for someone to be home when I do because I was almost but last year and I really do not want that to happen by myself.

    That sunset is beautiful. I love a good sunset. :)

    I hope you achieve what you need but also gets some downtime. :)

  2. Thank you Chrissy T, funny you mention snakes. We have snakes, but the friendly kind for the garden, and my husband accidently killed one while weed whipping some grass around the garden edge last night. I sure hope to get some downtime today.

  3. Well you certainly can see the difference, that is allways a pro when worked so hard. I have a lot of large crabgrass between the stones of the path to the frontdoor. It is a pain to weed that. Sometimes I just remove the stones. Take the weed out and put the stones back again. I do not want to use any weedkiller cause my veggiebed is there as wel. I think it is great you also do the renovations "on te side". Good on you to say the workman when they screw up. You have to look at it the rest of your life and you pay for good work done. Anyone could have seen those seams were to close. It will be so nice for you to have it all finished!

  4. Wendy we don't spray either. My herb garden is close to the house near the flower beds and walk-ways. It's a pain, but so beautiful when done.


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