Saturday, July 16, 2022

Fried Green Tomatoes in Breakfast Burritos


I decided to add some fried green tomatoes to our breakfast burritos this week.  You know me - waste nothing.  I trimmed some of the tomato plant, but have more to trim.  Hopefully, the tomatoes will start to get bigger.

We got a lot of rain last night, and they predict rain for the next 4 days.   We needed it.  We could use more.  It will make weeding much easier.  I've been keeping up with the vegetable garden, but one tomato patch will need it again after this rain.

I will be back to painting bathroom trim.  I had to halt on the painting yesterday, due to the handyman needing one of my saw horses, but that was okay.  I got a hot minute to crochet, but it's a new project for a fall craft show, and I barely got it started before needing to make dinner.

I didn't get a photo, but I made us potatoes, garden green beans and bacon for dinner.  Oh so good, and one recipe that I grew up on, and Mom used to make.

If the rain stops by Monday or Tuesday, the bathroom shower, and flooring will be going in (crossing my fingers).

Our handyman initially quoted us $10/hr. for the bathroom job (he has worked 2 weeks/ 8 hr or less days so far), but after we ran into so many more repairs, he changed his tune.  We know him, but now he wants much more, so the living room will be repaired by us and us alone (which will take a LOT longer).  He's asking way more than we expected, but he did do a lot and it's way less than any professional business would have.  Sigh....

We may ask the boys (nephews) for assistance, and I know they will refuse to be paid.  If we are lucky to get their help in any way, I'll be whipping up a lot of food to feed them and their families.  It's what we do.


  1. That sounds like a great idea... fried green tomatoes but I'd say anytime of the day.. breakfast, lunch, supper... bedtime snack. Alas, I do not have any green tomatoes to fry!

  2. Latone, I usually only have green tomatoes at the end of the season, but I needed to trim a few "big boy" type tomato plants.


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