Friday, July 15, 2022

No More Chard ~ Blips in the Bathroom and other ramblings

I went out to check the squash and beans and saw the rabbits ate my Swiss chard.  Let's just say that I cannot wait for my new raised beds next garden season.

We had a few more set backs with the bathroom.  When the old light fixture was taken down, we saw that they ran the wires thru the wall and screwed the light fixture into the drywall (not the wood).  Our handy-man had to go get us an electrical box and installed that.  Then when he went to assemble the new light fixture, we saw that one part of it was broken.  It's being returned, and another has already been ordered.

Now that I see how many short cuts the previous owners did, I will be checking the carpet upstairs to see if they even put foam under it.  One room has to be re-carpeted in the future for sure.  I'm trying to clean up the other room and wait it out for a year or two, considering all the repairs needed and costly expenses this year.

I got the herb garden fully weeded and put Mom's flamingo solar light in it.  I also got 3/4ths of the rose bed weeded, but so much more needs weeded.

Also, I am so frustrated with our one tomato plant for sandwiches etc.  It's fully loaded (put banana peel water on it), but it's so loaded the tomatoes are very small.  I'll be removing many green tomatoes later today, to try and let the plant have more strength for producing larger tomatoes.  Let's just say I'll not be pouring banana peel water on it anymore.

I finally got out my home owner's journal (yes I am a journal junkie).  I'm updating it with the repairs, and paint colors.  I'm taking photos of all the repairs and will print them off and tuck them into this handy journal as well.



  1. We planted in raised gardens, it helps. Our tomatoes Purple Cherokee are not as big as they should be, I cut off alot of the growth, and looks like I need to do it again. They are small, and appear to be growing slowly, even with all the heat and humidity. Well worth the chance of planting and harvesting than not planting at all.

    Journal looks interesting, I've just begun using a planner this year, it isn't to my liking as it is very generic, more along the lines of the use of stickers and such which I don't do. Looking for a basic homesteading planner. Have a good weekend.

  2. Faith, I went out and cut some growth off today. I hope it helps the plants. Thanks. I love the home owner's journal. I just have to remember to update it lol!

  3. Our oldest son planted his strawberries in hanging baskets and the deer decided they made a lovely meal. He even caught them doing so on his security camera.

    God bless.

  4. Jackie, one year I planted a lot of medicinal herbs in pots out on the back porch. Something destroyed them, so I replanted, and it happened again. I put a camera out there and it was a raccoon. We had a lot of raccoons that year. Never got my pots going after that lol!


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