Sunday, July 17, 2022

Daughter visit ~ More Painting ~ and other tidbits

Daughter K came for a visit to clean upstairs.  She filled the trash and her car thankfully, but more has to be cleaned.  She also cleaned out her car. It's not easy to do living in an apartment, so she did that at our house.  We grilled dinner and then she went home.

She did help me finally, after 6 months, help me move my computer back to the desk in the kitchen corner.  She said I should replace my keyboard and mouse, so I'm on the hunt for a wireless set that is affordable.

The clean up process is in progress in the living room. Daughter K helped me sort thru a box full of cables and wires and electronic game parts.  We found the correct cords to a DVD player left by the kids.  I moved the TV and the DVD player upstairs and it will be in the "guest" bedroom.  The room is still under a purge project, but at least it's out of the living room.

I have another problem however.  When I purged my old hutch, I boxed dishes and they are in my office.  They are dishes from one of my grandparents.  I have no clue on where to store those now.  Urgh.  

I found someone to give us a quote to clean gutters (family business), but now my husband said we'll do it ourselves after being over charged on the bathroom repairs.  I'm not sure I want to be on a ladder, and if I am, I have to do it when someone is here, so that is a problem.

I'm finishing up the bathroom trim.  I have one more piece, and the saw horses can finally leave the living room.

It looks like it will be raining all day today, so there will be no outdoor work accomplished, but thankful for the rain.

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