Monday, July 18, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Sunday I had plans to do some long distance errands, but decided to do them another day.  It was predicted to storm all day, and go figure, it did not.

I, however, cleaned up the kitchen, sorted cookbooks for donation, filled another box for Daughter K, caught up on laundry, and filled one box for donation.  I finally filled a tote with 50/50 vinegar/water to soak an old cast iron pan I was given.

I already have a few cast iron pans, but no one wanted to bother with restoring it, so it ended up with me.  It's always nice to have an extra pan in case we need to cook over a campfire too.  You never know with what's happening in our world right now.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
85°F/65°F, possible rain

As I look outside my window . . .
It's foggy.

Right now I am . . . 
Trying to figure out the plan for the day due to more rain.

Thinking and pondering . . .
Where the heck am I going to store that cast iron pan?  My computer area needs a new mug rug.   We need a getaway soon.  Camper still needs water lines checked.  

How I am feeling . . .
Although not ready to take on a Monday, I had a nice weekend.  Daughter K visited Saturday, and Daughter E had a sleep over with our grand daughter A and both came to visit me Sunday.

My husband is on another whacky schedule this week.  We will both be glad when it's over with.  He's working double shifts - 16 hour days now.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Coffee, part of a giant cinnamon roll Daughter E brought us.

On my reading pile . . .
Do bills count? Ha ha!  The mail?

On my TV . . .
Honestly, whatever looks interesting.

On the menu . . .
-pork chops, zucchini/corn saute
-chicken, brussel sprouts, carrots

Looking around the house . . .
The kitchen island is finally cleaned off, but the table needs a complete tidying up job.  Living room is slowing getting emptied.  Kitchen still needs a piece put back up over the sink area, and one blind installed.

The to-do list . . .
-check garden
-freeze green beans
-paint the last of the bathroom trim
-put away dishes
-label and store the peach jam
-clean off kitchen table

From the camera . . .

Prayers/Devotional . . .
-I can't find my devotional right now.  I'm slowly getting my computer/bill paying station back in order.  It's probably in the office yet.  


  1. Why do you soak the cast iron in vinegar? Never heard that one before, just scrubbing with salt to remove the rust?

    I don’t know how you husband can work the hours that he does without a break. It must be awfully hard on both of you.

    If you want to try a new recipe, I really like Skinny Taste’s Ground Turkey Skillet with Zucchini, Corn, Black Beans and Tomato. You could add some cilantro rice on the side too. 😋

  2. I have two cast iron pans that were my mother in law's that desperately need restoring. I have no clue how to, can you tell me step by step? I really would appreciate it.

    I keep my cast iron skillets in my oven when not in use.

    Hope you have a blessed week, and enjoy that rain. Please send it my way if you can, we need it. lol


  3. Katie C, I will do a post on how I re-stored the cast iron, and thank you for the recipe idea.

    Sandra, I'll get a post up on how I re-stored the pan.

  4. I need to clean off my cast iron pan and start using it more. Foggy mornings are the best if you don't have to go out and drive in them! Have a great week!

  5. Jodi, yes, foggy mornings are nice when I don't have to go anywhere.

  6. also wondering about the vinegar / water tip.
    So long hours for your husband!

    Have a great week

  7. Luludou, check the next day post. I explained how I re-seasoned my pan


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