Wednesday, March 23, 2022

This and That

Took advantage of good weather and got the chicken coop mucked, and just before the rain moved in.  I did a little bit of sweeping on the front porch, and swept living room.

Craft stuff put away until big repairs are complete.   I really don't have time to create right now.  I will try to carve out a break time for my self some how.

I guess I'll be collecting more boxes.  I have two more cupboards to empty.

I purchased a new toilet paper holder for the bathroom remodel.  It pivots up, and has no spring thing to deal with.  It should arrive today.

My kitchen is full of boxes that Daughter K needs to come and move yet.  Sigh....I do not like my house looking so chaotic.  In time it will be looking spiffy.

Here is our big job to-do list for this year:

1. Rip out some counter tops and cupboards, rip up flooring and sub floor, replace joists, re-do sub floor and complete new flooring, put cupboards and counter top back in, hutch back in, and re-fill with the dishes that are already boxed up.

2. Rip out entire bathroom off kitchen.  Replace dry wall, all new flooring, install new shower and toilet.  I already pulled a tall shelve unit that I will clean today and put out by the road for free (just needs painted again) and I'm too lazy tired to haul it all the way into town to donate.  I will paint the entire bathroom as well and Hubby will install a fan (never had one for some reason).  We already have the new shower and paint for this job.

Note:  When this bathroom is all done, we will hire someone to re-tile the master shower floor.  We hired family the last time and the grout washed away.

3. Rip up part of front room floor, replace joist, replace sub-floor, replace carpet (painting will be next year I think).  Replace furniture (dogs destroyed it).

4. Rip out and replace all carpet in stairway and upstairs.  Again, dogs, cat and rabbit destroyed it.  Painting and removing old wall paper will be another year.  No time for that this year with a garden.

5. If we have the time, rip out old carpet in our master bedroom and replace with new flooring.  Remove and install closet door to a change where the entry way is (it's in the center of a wall right now) so we can move furniture into place better.

6. Build new chicken coop and covered run.

7. Purge garage

8.  Utility room will get new flooring and paint (next year).

We already hired a friend to finish the unfinished new hallway, and have someone coming out today to give an estimate on the two floors that need new joists.  If it's out of our budget, we are doing it ourselves.  The hall can wait for now, but knowing someone is hired already gives my brain a rest.

Now....what to make for breakfast?  And dinner?  That is top of the list this morning.  I will figure it out after I down some good ol' coffee.


  1. P H E W !!! That makes me tired just reading it. Good luck and accomplishment in the final repairs.

  2. Always paint before putting in new carpet. :)

  3. Thanks Mother Em. I have a feeling we'll be doing all of it ourselves sadly. Not looking forward to that.

  4. Hummingbird, if we decide to paint the living room, I will have time while we rip out the carpet. I think we are doing it all ourselves. We can't find a fair priced handyman. I do have someone to hire though for painting who doesn't work and could use the cash. I do not like painting.


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