Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Progress with the repairs . . .

I am still working on re-homing the Rock Band.  We don't have the games anymore, and it's leaving as soon as I hear back from people.

Daughter E is taking all the board games, so those will be out of my living room.

A guy is stopping out this week to give us estimates on both kitchen and front room floors.  Whoever put the woodstove in way back in the day, simply cut out the corner of the floor. It has to be ripped out, new support system in place and new sub floor.  Kitchen problem is a bad joist that needs replaced.

We will need to go to town and buy furniture sliders to move the heavy stuff too.

I had to re-do some e-mail paperwork, but next up is to clean up the entire corner of the kitchen to prepare for taking cupboards and counter tops out, which means unhooking the computer and moving that to another room.  There will be a blip in blog posts I imagine.  

In the process of getting kids to clean up their stuff they have left, I am filling boxes of my own for donation.  You don't really realize how much you have until you have to box it up to move to put in new flooring.

Thank you for your prayers regarding the missing 22 year-old.  Unfortunately, they found her and is now in Heaven (so, so sad to hear this).

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a busy week. How sad about the 22 year old, that is shocking news.


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