Thursday, March 24, 2022

Kitchen-ness and other ramblings


I spent the good half of the day yesterday in the kitchen.  I felt bad my husband had nothing to take to work for breakfast.

I made a sweet potato (organic hannah), bacon with greens hash, topped with eggs.  It was so good too.

I also made a pecan sour cream coffee cake with Georgia pecans.  Oh my goodness!  So good.  New recipe I tired.

Dinner was homemade meatballs with a sauce made from home canned barbeque sauce, garlic from the garden and a bit of honey, on a bed of wild rice.  I wanted broccoli in it, but that didn't happen.

Cleaning also resumed, after a mountain of dishes were done, and dishwasher ran two times.  It was a beautiful 60°F day, but too windy to enjoy the front porch.

The local professionals stopped in last night to take a look at our first project - kitchen floor/new joist/new sub floor.  They took measurements and asked questions.  The estimate will be emailed soon.  My husband is 99% sure we'll be doing it ourselves.  He is guessing they will come back with an estimate of $5,000.00 or more.

Today, to prepare for it, I need to box up everything that Daughter K left on one table, and box up what I pulled from the cupboard that will be donated.  I need to take the inserts out of the table that make it longer.  That will help make moving it to the living room easier.  Then I need to box up what's in the bottom of the hutch and move that out, then we will start on the counter and cupboards, then floor.

In the meantime, I've gotten a few suggested outlet locations for possible flooring, but Hubby is not too excited about running from place to place for prices and supply.  We are dealing with his work schedule with all of this too.


  1. Renovations make life so inconvenient but in the end they are worth it. I hope your renovation goes smoothly and doesn't take too long. Good luck!

  2. Debi, we are just happy to finally get started on the repairs. It was way to hard to do such stuff with a kid living here with so many animals too.


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