Monday, March 21, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weekend was super busy, but Daughter E squeezed my husband and I in for a haircut.  I actually got a hear treatment while she cut his hair.  It was way over due.

It hasn't been decided yet, but due to my husband's new position at work (12 hour days) and lack of help with the garden, I may be doing more downsizing for this garden season.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, and now I am technically a "homemaker."

I will link up later when she posts (and if I can remember to, ha ha!)

The weather . . .
It will be a nice sunny 70 degree day, but rain will resume for a few days.

As I look outside my window . . .
...checking a trap we set for an unknown pest

Right now I am . . .
Starting the washing machine, writing this post, and making a list for the grocery store, and figuring out a meal plan.

Thinking and pondering  . . .
Oh....there is a ton of this going on.  Trying to make a plan to get someone hired to rip out the kitchen floor.  I have someone to install new flooring, but we have yet to go purchase that.  First, we need the plan for the person to do the more serious work, and then buy supplies to get the job(s) done.

Homemaking tips . . .
Honestly, my brain is over-worked right now, so I have nothing that comes to mind.  If I do, I will come back and share.

How I am feeling . . .
Mentally and emotionally exhausted, but hopefully that will change as we get thru the week.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Leftover omelet we had Sunday morning.  My dear husband made them with mad hatter peppers.

On my reading pile . . .
Still waiting on my used book order.  I don't have time to read right now anyway.

On my TV . . .
Anything we find interesting.

On the menu . . .
-Italian sausage/bell peppers/red onion
-have no idea yet

From the camera . . .
The roses my husband surprised me with are absolutely beautiful, and smell wonderful.

Looking around the house . . .
I'm glad Daughter K is finally moved, but she has a lot of stuff yet to move and clean up.  She left the living room a pigsty.

On the to-do list . . . 
-tidy bedroom
-start cleaning living room to make room for kitchen tables, counter tops and cupboards (first big job on the home to-do list)
-clean up computer area (which will also be moved to do kitchen floor repair)
-dust down the Rock Band and re-home
-start cleaning porches on good weather days
-muck the coop next best weather day (ain't happeneing today)
-clean out fridge and do a re-check on freezer
-put out going mail in mailbox
-put trash out
-burn down burn pile

Prayer list . . .
A 22 year-old missing girl in the area about 1 hour from our location.  She is the daughter to a co-worker of my husband.  Last seen on March 18th.


  1. That omelet looks delicious and wow, what a beautiful white rose! Prayers the daughter of your husband's coworker is found safe. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. What a lovely rose. Praying for the missing girl is found. Always so sad to here. Have a great week

  3. So sorry to read you are exhausted, hopefully you will feel better as the week goes on. You remain in my prayers. The flowers are stunning, I wish I could smell them through the screen. Take care.

  4. You are busy! Make sure to schedule in some time to decompress! It will be nice to have a "new" kitchen. So sorry about the missing girl, I hope she is found safe and sound. Take care of yourself and have a great week!

  5. How lovely to be surprised with roses!

  6. Hoping they find the missing girl soon.
    That is a long to-do list!
    Lovely flowers - have a great week

  7. I sure hope they find that sweet girl. It always breaks my heart when a missing person shows up on the TV. So sad!

    I am with you on the kitchen floor, I have to rip mine up and put new one in. I am hoping to do it myself with the hubby, just thinking it may be cheaper but then again we have no clue what we're doing, so maybe it's best to hire someone.

    I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

  8. Thank you Jean, unfortunately the young woman was not alive when they found her yesterday.

  9. Thank you Lisa, the roses are so beautiful. They found the missing daughter, but she was not alive.

  10. Thank you mamasmercantile, I am so excited to get the work done around here, but we are still in the process of clearing Mom's house for sale.

  11. Debi, I do need to at least put one craft project on daily list. I do need to have a break in the day.

  12. Luludou, they found the missing 22 year old, but she was not alive.

  13. Sandra, unfortunately, they found the missing daughter, but she was not alive.

    We may be doing the floors ourselves if the price to hire is too high. We don't have a crawl space, so we have to rip out cupboards and counters, then cut out the floor and replace joists then replace sub floor then all new flooring.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.