Monday, March 14, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm back, in case you wondered where I've been.  It was a last minute decision.  Literally.  The vacation dates were set in May of 2021, and unknown to me, my husband did not cancel them.

He kept asking, and I kept saying no due to the situation, but my mental and emotional state was not good and he picks up on that pretty well. to FL we went.  We literally in one day borrowed a box trailer, loaded our motorcycle, and off we went to meet our friends, who were already there (and also encouraging us to get there).  They literally still had a room in the house for us.  Daytona beach (Bike week) was the most crowded we have ever seen it in the last three years.  Unbelievable.

We had a really good time, so I am glad we went.  What made me say yes, is that my husband's job is moving him up, and overtime will begin soon and we may not get another vacation the rest of the year.  So we went.

What I really didn't like, is getting text messages the entire trip, while on vacation.  However, our house was in the boonies, and cell service was about zero.  We all couldn't send texts, emails (I don't get those on my phone, and like it that way), and even calls.  My phone was either in the trunk of the bike, or charging.  We basically got service where ever we stopped or ate food.

I knew we both needed the wind therapy.  One of our sanity savers, and a way to decompress and rejuvenate.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . . 

60°F and sunny.

As I look out my window . . .

All of the snow has melted.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and trying to slowly wake up.  Daughter K took a car load to her new apartment last night, so I have dog duty today (all day), and wasn't happy about that, but.....

Thinking and pondering . . . 

Lots of stuff.  Too much stuff.

Homemaking tips . . .

Hm.  I haven't consumed enough coffee.  Will have think on this one. 

How I am feeling . . .

To be honest, exhausted from the second leg of driving home.  The first leg, we dealt with bad wind and we had to slow down (losing time to get going). Pulling the trailer with our bike was a bit rough, and traffic was crazy. Just after we left, a tornado went thru the area we were leaving in Florida.  We didn't find out about the tornado until the next morning.

I'm also cold.  90 degrees agrees with me much better, ha ha!

Also, while in FL, my chin connected with the end of the bed frame and boy it's so sore, my ankle is swelling.  I am back to hobbling around.

On the breakfast plate . . . 

Bagel, coffee

On my reading pile . . .

Finished this one.

Finished these two, but lesson learned....don't read this series out of order.  I read them all years ago, and wanted to read them again, but the ordered books haven't arrived yet.  I'll resume with them in order after they do arrive.

On my TV . . .

Anything really.

On the menu . . .

Have no idea.  I know it's pick up today, since we just got home yesterday.

From the camera . . .

Sorry for the bad photos, when I transfer from phone to computer they are just not the same focus)
A few photos from the dock of the house we all rented in Florida.  No, we didn't see any alligators, but I'm sure there were some in there.

Looking around the house  . . .

It's a hot mess.  I knew if I left town, it would be, but that will change soon.

To-do list . . .

- take an important phone call (pre-set)
-make an important phone call
-empty dishwasher and put away dishes daughter washed
-wash all our laundry, bedding
-take trash out 
-empty travel totes
-clean out truck
-get mail, go thru mail and pay any bills
-fold towels daughter left in laundry room
-wash dishes
-clean master bath
-get mail
-tend hens 

Prayer list . . .

...for all the folks in the Ocala, FL area who suffered due to the tornado that went thru over the weekend.  Jasper.   Daughter K's cat.  His health is not well, so she'll need to take him to the vet to find out what's going on.


  1. Sounds like you had a much needed getaway. There's always much to do when you get home from a trip but somehow the break makes it all worthwhile. Hope your chin and ankle feel better soon. Have a great week!

  2. Yay! So good to hear you 'got away'. It's amazing what that can do for a soul.

  3. Thank you Debi, the bed frame I ran into was lower than the mattress and stuck out on the side. Crazy bed frame, and I too hope it feels better soon. I am back to clothesline weather, and have much to catch up on.

  4. So glad you were able to get away, sound like an amazing trip.

  5. I'm so happy you decided to get away. You definitely needed it. I really hope that Jasper is okay, and that you're feeling better!

  6. Glad you were able to get away (and somewhere warmer as well!) for a bit. Hope you have a wonderful week getting settled back at home.

  7. mamasmercantile, it was a very good trip.

  8. Thanks Rain, not sure what's going on with Jasper, but my chin feels a bit better.

  9. Thank you Jean, emotions poured in while on the drive home, but adjusting a bit now.

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful, much-needed trip. I can completely relate. This has been one heck of a year so far.
    Prayers for you and your family!

  11. Sounds like you had a lovely time away... Hope your week is going well and you're catching up on things xx

  12. Glad you got to enjoy your vacation and got out of there before the tornado!
    Have a good rest of the week


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