Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

 Although I thought  my brain would re-set, after a break, it has not.  Yesterday I forgot my husband's birthday.  Sigh.  My husband told me yesterday I was a "hot mess" and not to drive anywhere today.  There is nothing worse than instinctively picking up my cell phone to call Mom and realizing I can't.  I guess the ol' journals will be coming out again. Maybe designate one solely for chats with Mom.  It will take time to get thru this for sure.

The chickens however, are back to laying a good amount of eggs.  I never got around to baking a breakfast, so that must be done today, or my husband has no to-go breakfast for work.

The weather is warming up enough for drying clothes on the clothesline, so I'm going to tackle all of the remaining laundry today.

I felt like everything, at a point of the day where I just wanted to relax, went wonky.  First my scanner froze in scan mode.  Then, when that was fixed, my emails were not going out.  It's all working again this morning thankfully.  Electronics can be a headache for sure.

I still have a huge pile of mail to sort, toss and take care of. My computer desk area is in total disarray.

Meanwhile, Daughter K continues to move stuff out of the house.  Her rabbit is now at her new apartment.  However, I am constantly on dog duty, meaning that first early am trip out is on me.  I am not eagerly excited about taking two dogs out in the dark.  Her cat Jasper is acting funny, and possibly needing a trip to the vet for a check up.  On a good note, her new job will almost double her pay.  

Hopefully this crazy schedule and mass load of things to be done will taper off soon.


  1. I know how hard it is having just lost my Dad, I have found an inner peace with bible journaling and painting. Our hens have just started to lay again thankfully, so like you we have an abundance of eggs I need to do something with today. Take care.

  2. I am just catching up reading blog posts that I missed while my laptop was being repaired. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. My mom died almost seven years ago very suddenly and I still miss her every day. Sending you hugs and prayers as you go through this difficult time.

  3. Debi, I plan to put some eggs away for boiled eggs, and possibly bake my Mom's recipe for Angel food cake.

  4. That first response should be for mamasmercantile, lol - my brain is still not functioning full power.

    Thank you Debi!


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