Friday, March 4, 2022

Spring Clean Battles Move Out


I moved most of my yarn/craft supplies upstairs, but it's between Daughter K's room and the stairway.  I'm dealing with tripping over boxes and whatnot to move more up there (to clean out my room and closet). 

The quilt photo is a quilt from my Great Grandmother.  The photo was taken in 2011, when I attempted to donate it to a historical society.  It didn't happen.  I have had it in a bag on my bedroom floor since last fall.  

It was time to clean up my own bedroom.  I still have Christmas presents in there for the grandkids (not wrapped either).  I sent an email out to my siblings to see if they wanted it.  I do not want to store it anymore.  It's thread bare, and cannot be used or washed, and I have no where to hang it (and protect it from dust).

Heck, I just put away more Christmas decor my daughter left out, and today a small Christmas tree, and this weekend the outside Christmas lights come down.  Life has been that hectic, busy, and so forth.

In the midst of a snail's pace of getting order again, I have several lists going for the next trip to town, in either direction.  I think I will try and make my own arrangement for Mom's headstone, but have yet the chance to visit the craft store.  I have something in mind.

I'm planting new herb seeds for my indoor pots, and hoping it warms up so the window area is not so cold.


  1. I have a couple of pieces of Christmas decor still out. Trying to make a decision on whether I keep them or not.

    God bless.

  2. Such a beautiful quilt and so precious... all the best with your spring cleaning - it's autumn here and I am so looking forward to the cooler weather.. xx

  3. You could cut that old quilt into pieces and frame them for each of the siblings, grandkids to have a piece of your great grandma's history...hate to cut it but it's that fragile and unusable, good way to repurpose but still keep in the family---and share if everyone's into it. It's pretty cool.

  4. What an amazing quilt though! I bet it would have some stories to tell!
    I've just restarted my blog at , would be lovely to see you over there :)

  5. It's a busy time of year! Most of my time has been spent getting the garden ready for summer duty. I need to get back to my spring cleaning too, the next rainy day we get.

    The quilt is beautiful. But I hear you about storing them. I have a couple that my great-grandmother made and I love them dearly, but they just stay on the top shelf of my closet.


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