Sunday, February 6, 2022

This and That

It's still cold here, and we got more snow.  My husband I spent most of the day at the hospital visiting Mom.  They allow two people in the building, but one at a time at her bedside.  They will do more testing with her today.  Her memory is still hit and miss, and she's feeling exhausted.

When I first went into Mom's room, she asked where she was and why.  She said she didn't know how to use her TV, so I helped her with that, showed her the button to turn it off and on, and so forth.  She said she loves to watch the cooking channels, so I found one for her.  I think it got her hungry, because she ordered herself a good lunch before we left.  She hasn't been eating much lately.

We couldn't stay at the hospital the entire full day, as we had animal duty back home.  Daughter K is still out of town, so we had dogs to take out, a cat and rabbit to feed etc.  We fed and watered the chickens before we left the house.

I have collected a few recipes I would like to try, but just haven't had the time to pick up ingredients.  I would love to try them this coming week, but I still have to rely on shopping on the weekends, or ask the other two to pick it up for me  (still down one vehicle).

Today's post comes with zero photos again.  Hopefully, I can snap a few for you.  I know photos make the posts more fun.

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