Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Chit-Chat

The boys came out and plowed out the 3-4 foot drifts that buried a few cars.  They sped off before I could pay them though.  Little turds that they are.  We'll catch up with them soon.  Thankfully, they plowed out the mailbox area for us as well.

Woke up to a wind chill of 1°F this morning.

I have a 5 foot drift blocking my chicken coop, so after I slowly wake up with some coffee, and get a warm shower, I'll be outside shoveling a path for that.

Daughter K is out of town visiting with her boyfriend.  They are looking at more apartments.  That means I have dog, cat and rabbit duty.  Jasper (cat) is already meowing at me from the stairs.

My sinus medications have not kicked in just yet.  Hopefully today will be the day.  I'm getting tired of being tired (and sick).

We are having trouble getting someone affordable to replace the brakes on the car.  Normally, my mechanic husband does the repairs, but we have the Chevelle in the garage right now.  It's not a car you can leave outside in 1°F weather to pull the other car in for repairs.  What a battle it is this time of year. 

My seed/grow light stand is up and ready for action.  The plan is to get the seeds in the trays today and get the lights going.  To be honest, although it's always so much work, I'm looking forward to growing the garden this spring.

I spent most of yesterday loading the wood stove, taking dogs out and crocheting.  It was nice to have a somewhat rest day despite taking dogs out in freezing weather.  I'm now on the edging on the baby blanket.

Speaking of baby.  Our grand-niece (my husband was a late baby) gave birth to a baby boy yesterday.  So stinkin' cute.  I'll need to put together a gift for her soon.  

Another pizza place in the town closer to us, closed permanently.  I was told there was an issue with the owners health and lack of employees to keep it open.


  1. I went through my seeds yesterday, my tray & heat mat in the ready, I'll be starting the flower seeds first, so they can be big enough when I plant the tomatoes and peppers to draw in some pollinators. Sunny here today in NE Ohio, I'll take it, snow and all.

  2. This snow has caused problems for many people. I am thankful that I am with my daughter following my surgery, but the snow messed up my plan to go home. I was hoping my husband would get me tomorrow, but it looks as though I will be here until at least Thursday.

  3. Faith, yes it was so nice to have sunshine yesterday. I forgot my sunglasses when we left the house too.

  4. Carol, I am glad you are with someone though. Hoping you heal up quickly.


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