Monday, February 7, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday


The snow has not melted one iota.  In fact, there is a 6 foot pile of snow where we need to get into the garage to work on the brakes.  It's not happening any day soon, so I'll be focusing on what needs done inside this week.

In fact, I haven't made a plan to tonight's dinner.  My husband and I were so tired, we were in bed early last night.  I'll need to work on that early this morning.  He may be stuck at work tonight.  Turn around is approaching and that means lots of overtime and many hours of work.  He'll need a breakfast and lunch and extra food for late hours.  I best get on the meal plan.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up later.

The weather . . .

Mostly in the 20's, possibly more snow this week. 

How I am feeling this morning . . .


On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover french toast, blueberry sausages and scrambled eggs.  Oh and coffee.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .

Reaper.  Amazon Prime. Season 1.

On the menu this week . . .
-spaghetti, garlic bread, veggie
-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn
-breakfast for dinner (sausage/biscuits, eggs, fried potatoes, fried apples)

From the camera . . .

Sorry for the bad photo, but you can see how cute the first round of the border is on the baby blanket.  I have 2 more rounds to go.

Looking around the house . . .

What a hot mess.  We spent all weekend going back and forth to the hospital, and back home to take care of animals.  We didn't get the chance to clean anything up, or even do any house chores.  

To-do list . . .
-Clean out fridge, take trash out
-do dishes
-pay any bills
-figure out dinner

Prayers . . .

Mom.  She is still in the hospital.


  1. Hey!! I have that book on my shelf..but havent got round to reading it yet. Would love to know what you think..
    What a pretty blanket..I love pastel colours
    My to do list this week is to concentrate on getting our veggie garden up and running...which will be a huge learning curve for me... the climate here in So Cal is completely different to Wales... I even got a sunburn yesterday! In February!!
    Great answers... and prayers to Mum
    Phoebe x

  2. Phoebes World, I absolutely love the Leslie Meier series (that is book #1). I read her series years ago and started reading them again. Thanks for the prayers for Mom.

  3. Thinking of your mom - hoping she gets better.
    Have a great week and try to get some rest in there.

  4. Sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. Prayers for all of you. Pretty colors in the baby blanket. Hope this week is a better one for you.

  5. The baby blanket is so pretty and looks so soft! I can't imagine your six feet of snow! Oh my goodness. We haven't gotten much this winter and it is mostly slush.

    Have a great rest of your week!


  6. Sherry, last I heard we are to get rain next. It will be a slush pile out there if we do.


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