Friday, February 4, 2022

Storm Update ~ Tidbits

I did the usual "storm prep" Wednesday- washed, dried and put away all the dishes, ran dishwasher, emptied dishwasher, finished any laundry etc.  We just got rain all day, but snow moved in the last two days.  In fact, Daughter K's car is buried in a snow drift this morning.  Smart husband parked out at the end of the drive and got out this morning.  I'm waiting to make sure he made it to work though.  Some roads he takes to work are impassable if not cleared.

Daughter K made an attempt to get to work yesterday.  She called and was stuck in a drift between two main roads to get there.  She ended up coming home and calling off work.  Our county Sheriff only called a road emergency level 1 at the time, later changing it to a 2, but said "he'd never call a level 3" and this is why we all tried to vote him out of his position.  He just can't do his job. There were too many accidents yesterday just during the level 1 warning.  Some businesses will never close, and people could be hurt, stranded, etc.  Anyway.....

Yesterday, we made an attempt to visit Mom in the hospital, but ended up at the Urgent care for me, then back home.  I have a sinus infection.  Roads were so bad I was the only patient, and they only person at the pharmacy.  I haven't had a sinus infection in years. I feel like I haven't  had a break of being sick since the onset of covid.  I'm wondering if the sinus infection is from covid.

Anyway, I am thankful for a tub of yogurt, kefir and other helpful foods in my fridge right now.

Wood stove is stoked, but I hear very little traffic outside.  It will take the boys and a plow to clear all the drifts in our drive.  Next year we will be putting up the snow fence.

As far as an update on Mom, she was moved to a larger hospital.  She's getting a lot of tests done.

Well, I'm going to go make a pot of coffee, and check the weather.  I do believe we are getting a break today from snow.  The wind was terrible last night.

I'm still feeling sick this morning, so it's a low and slow day today.  I may do some dishes, but there is not a chance for major housework for sure.  No wonder I've been feeling tired.


  1. This covid healing is very strange, one day I feel pretty good and then the next I feel terrible. I hope your new medicine helps you recover and get your energy back. I am taking time to heal and enjoy some slow and calm days. The snow has slowed everyone down and that is all right by me at least for a little while. I don't think I have finished a single day (in the past 3 years) without feeling overwhelmed. I need to break that and maybe I am being granted this time just for that. ~jackie~

  2. Jackie, it has been nice to be "snowed in" and taking days a bit slower for sure.


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