Tuesday, February 8, 2022

One Day at a Time. . .

I made good strides yesterday, but once again fizzled out about noon-ish.  Oh my gosh, I have to get a photo of the drift in front of the coop.  Maybe today I'll take the camera out.  Thankfully, it stopped short of about a foot from the coop, so I can just narrowly squeeze between the drift the coop to get into it.

There is no melting going on either, and we could use it.  

I managed to make a meatloaf, mashed potatoes and dug a bag of frozen corn off the cob for dinner last night.  I however, now have a sink full of dishes to do (again).  It's never ending.  The dishwasher is full of clean dishes, so it's a rinse and repeat of yesterday.  I didn't even get the vacuum out, so that is still on the to-do list.

I am up early, so fire is stoked, and coffee is brewed.  I am thankful to have breakfast leftovers for my husband's to-go meal, but will have to bake something for the rest of the week.

Daughter K is back home, but working full days, so I'm still doing dog duty as well as trying to catch up on the housework.  I think I finally got laundry caught up, but I will take another look-see.

I've been wanting to bake some cookies, but like I said, I fizzle out way too early.  I cannot wait to have my full energy back.

My "bill paying station" office area is in dire need of a clean up.  I guess the to-do list continues.  The first thing, after I down enough coffee to wake up, is to put my spikes on my muck boots.  Those dogs just about took me for a slide yesterday.

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