Saturday, January 29, 2022

Weekend Woes

Yesterday I started out strong with cleaning, but fizzled out fast.  I got some kitchen cleaning done, and bedding washed and back on.

Today, we are dealing with the water line from the water softener to the utility sink - busted and flooded floor this morning.

On top of replacing the wood stove grate (fit like a glove) and getting the stove back to heating, we are dealing with not feeling good on top of it all.

It's a battle daily, but we are gaining I think.

It didn't take long for me to get text messages after Mom was back in her home (alone).  First, it was my sister asking if I had an extra blender for Mom to have her wanted chipped ice (that she freely got while in the nursing home).  I told her to order one online and ship it to Mom's or go buy one in town.  I was no help.

I got another text from Mom at 10pm.  Asking for help. We were in bed.  We tire out very quickly, and are in bed early (with 12-13 hours of sleep, that tired).  I texted back today, and asked "exactly" what do  you need help with?

First, we are down one vehicle, two work, and one has dog duty and wood stove duty.  Second, we all three are not feeling 100% yet.  I still have laryngitis.  Third, roads are bad and weather is terrible.  I don't know what my sister expected of us, but we warned her that Daughter K is moving soon as well, and Mom will have little help during winter (I was all for Mom staying in the nursing home).  I think my sister is in denial.  

Anyway, I hope your weekend is going much better than ours, ha ha!  Does anyone know where I can order 36 cell plant start trays (unfilled) online and shipped to my home?  I am not up to shopping yet.  Thanks in advance!


  1. Prayers for your bodies to gain strength and heal quickly. I am also down with covid right now, crazy symptoms but mostly no energy, my evenings too are filled with exhaustion. I just went through moving my mom into a facility and I am now going through it again with our daughter. This is a very tough journey. I pray for God to light your path each day. ~jackie~

  2. Jackie, the exhaustion of covid is horrible. We are still dealing with it daily. Sending prayers for you as well.


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