Friday, January 28, 2022

Path in Life and Changes Along the Way . . .

My post today is in reference to Mama Pea's post the other day about "A Different Choice."  Thanks for the inspiration to write this, but you may want a hot beverage to sip. It's sort of long, ha ha!

My first career, and very happy with it at the time, was a Travel Agent.  I went straight to Travel School (right out of high school), which was about an hour drive from home (I was still living with my Mom).  I loved it.

I worked my school hours on the River (up north), where I worked as a sales ticket person, where river boat rides went up and down the river.  I had a fancy uniform too.

I also did internship with other Travel Agencies.  I LOVED it!  I worked my way through a few Travel Agencies, and landed in a bigger agency.  I took additional classes and earned my DS on many destinations (specialist on certain travel locations).  These were serious designations to earn (testing was difficult as well).

I took outside classes and earned my CTC first.  That stands for "Certified Travel Consultant" and you could only use that designation as long as you were working for an agency with a true iata agency number (and worked full time).  Today, this course is over $500.00!  My agency at the time paid us, as long as we passed the courses.  The designation was up and beyond the travel school certificate I earned from the first school.

I loved it so much, I became a "teacher" for the next few DS (Destination Specialist) courses.  I think I even still have my books from it somewhere.  I loved teaching the course, and toted my briefcase to work every day.  I began to wear suits to work, handed down by my Mother as well (she worked at a bank at the time).  I felt that great about my career.

Well, then they hired a woman as an "agent" who literally turned psycho on my manager, and put her out of a job.  My boss was THE BEST EVER BOSS!  The woman they hired had mental issues and control issues, and didn't want anyone to do the job as agent better than her (I did, and she didn't like it). 

I had a large clientele.  I was the type of person who studied the available travel packages, and only sold the customer what they could afford, but a good quality company as well.  We worked on commission, and the "psycho" lady they hired sold only high commission packages to clients (expensive for costumers).  It meant, I had to work more customers in a day to pay my bills, but I had repeat customers who trusted me.

I got tired of "psycho" woman (who stole my bosses job) to the point I was mentally sick and threw up on the job, and I walked out on the job (while a single mother raising 3 kids).  I was later hired at the plastic injection molding company, where I worked in the office (best income I ever had).  My title was Purchasing Coordinator.  It's were I met my current husband.  Best thing I ever did.

Later, down the road, after a few more kids, I went to college for Journalism.  I ended up leaving that college and caring for the family.  Journalism is not even offered there anymore.  I do not regret staying home to care for the kids and family at all.  I do miss my Travel Agent days, but as of today, those are not even needed as much as they were back in the day.

During my course of a stay-at-home Mom, I built beautiful flower beds around our first new home using natural stones that had been dug up.  I dedicated one section by the back door for my first ever herb garden.  I have since dug up that garden and moved it twice to where we are now, and wa-la now a garden grower, chicken raiser (even raised dairy goats and meat-birds).  I would not change a thing, but have to admit, I miss my Travel Agent days.  Those would be totally different, and more difficult today with the internet and people booking their own travel.

Thanks for the inspiration to write this post.  I hope I didn't make the post too long.

It's still snowing and very cold here this morning.  I have hot water, so I'm a happy gal.  I'll be happier once the wood stove is in full swing.  Coffee is brewing, and breakfast just needs heated up.


  1. So interesting the career path you followed, Kristina. Encountering difficult people (your "psycho") when out in the working world can literally change your own path . . . sadly. I worked with one of those, too, although not quite as bad as yours sounds. Most of the time I just banged my head on my desk to keep from punching him in his face! ;o)

  2. Mama Pea, I remember my Dad listening to me every day after work. He gave me a peppermint something or other to take to settle my stomach at work. The day I walked out, my Dad put his hands in the air and said "Halleluiah!"

  3. Nice to have learned a little bit more about you Kristina! ☺
    I'm not the person I was in my working days anymore that's for sure. But I don't miss working in finance, very cut throat and back stabbing business. I actually hated it!

  4. Rain, glad you enjoyed the post. I was inspired by Mama Pea's post. Finance sounds rather tough as well.


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