Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday Chit-Chat

I got my plant start trays ordered yesterday, and they should arrive today.   

It's still freezing cold here.  No change in the weather just yet.

Dinner was a 2-crock pot meal last night.  Turkey in one with a paprika rub (homemade), and sweet potatoes in another with garden garlic, thyme, red pepper flakes and salt and pepper.  It was all I could muster up at the time, but well accepted.

The flooded utility room is mopped up, and with heat, pipes thawed and repaired (he's still mad he didn't listen to me and wrap the pipes last summer). 

In between getting around and moving/cleaning/etc. I have been resting by watching Cook's Country.  There is nothing like motivation to get you to think up an easy meal.

Using the sled, I brought my plant stand inside for seed planting.  It's way to heavy to carry in by myself.  I think I may order one more heat/grow light, but we'll see I guess.  

My husband hurt his back trying to start the wood splitter.  He spent the afternoon with a heating pad on his back.  No wood was split.  We only have enough for about an hour.  He's too humble to ask the boys for help either.  He'll try again this morning, but with my help (between coughing spasms).  He thinks the sub zero temperature has to do with the temperament of the splitter.

I keep hearing of a bad storm moving thru our area next Wed./Thursday.  Not sure if we'll get what they are calling for, but for what we are seeing, possible in the rain belt of it.  I still haven't located the other two shovels, so it better not be a foot of snow.

Today is the big day for the football game.  My husband is super excited and hopeful for the Bengals.  They are making history this year for sure either way this turns out.


  1. ps.yes, one of the teams from this state is going to the about them Browns? not again, I wonder if maybe they will ever? It puts no coin in my purse whether they do or not, but would make other folks happy. We cannot find chicken in our area, frozen food chicken, shelves are empty. Go figure. You think people would take some time to learn to prepare food for themselves, they are not thinking about the the long haul.

  2. Faith, if anyone learned anything from covid alone, is to keep things stocked up (especially with rising prices and supply issues). Shelves are empty here in almost all stores.


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