Monday, January 31, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday


The last time I journaled (long time passion of mine), was Feb. of 2020.  I'm not kidding.  I guess I am not sure if that is good or bad, but I would have just repeated over and over about the pandemic, and doing that is depressing as it is.  Seeing our government ban a treatment for covid patients (one that my husband should have had), is unbelievable.  We have had friends receive the treatment and were better the next day.  

Anyway, the journal is back out, and the pen is going again.  It's my "main" journal.  I have many, many other ones, including a journaling Bible that I plan to get out this week.  I have lots of questions right now.

The weather continues to be cold, my tabs are still up on the computer awaiting to place a yarn order (waiting for a good deal on shipping, because it's needed but not an emergency for any personal order either).

While out and about yesterday, we made a quick stop at a large grocery store.  Sheesh.  People have panic bought for sure.  Although the bread aisle was full (wasn't worried because I can bake my own bread), other aisles were almost empty.  Our favorite coffee was sold out, and the other "organic" brand was almost $12 for the same size.  Nope.  I'll have to check at another store.  The news is flashing updates constantly about the winter storm, so yeah, people will panic buy.  We just had a few items on our list, so I could make the breakfast casserole today (hopefully will last for the next 3-4 days for us).

Today, I am once again joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

I'll link up when she posts this morning.

The weather . . .
12°F out.  A storm is said to be headed into our area starting this Wednesday.  Friday, roads are said to be treacherous.  They are saying 10-16 inches of snow in our area, my hometown where Mom and my younger brother live....Daughter K and my husband may not make it out of the driveway if this really happens.  We own one hand shovel right now. 

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Tired.  We went and bought a load of split wood yesterday (gave up on our splitter) and I'm exhausted.  We also visited Mom, who at the time had a full house.  My younger brother was there with his 2 kids, we showed up, then Daughter K, and meanwhile the internet guy was busy upgrading Mom's network.  She was happy for the full house.  

I still have laryngitis.  Do any of you have any suggestions?  Herbal?  Over the counter?  Anything?  I've been sipping hot sage tea, but being out and about yesterday, I did not sip tea, and today feel rotten.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Cheddar and Chili  Egg Casserole (I'll be back with a photo), organic coffee

On the reading pile . . .

First, I have been reading letters we collected at my Dad's apartment, after he passed back in 2020.  There are many letters he saved.  Some have a Navy post mark and some have a $.03 stamp.  I would love to find a way to copy them all, print a booklet etc. for myself at least.  I know once I pass these on to the next sibling, I will probably never see them again.  I would have to copy the envelope to match each letter.  Not sure the easiest/cheapest way to do this yet, or if I really want to do it, but for now reading the letters.

What would you do?  Read them and pass them on? 

Second, I have been reading a series by one of my favorite authors.  Some libraries are removing it from their shelves and into book sales.  I've been reading the first of the series (dust cover missing)....

On my TV . . .
Football!!  The Bengals are going to the Super Bowl!!  My husband is elated about this.   I'm also watching CSI and other shows like that.  I will be checking Amazon later today for a show called Reaper.  I don't know yet if it's free on Prime or if they charge for this show.

On the menu this week . . .
-Homemade vegetable soup, bread of some kind
-Meatloaf, mashed tades, corn

From the camera . . .
I'm on the last row of pink, and then a small section of blue, then ends need sewn in and edging done.  I think I started this as a gift over 5 years (or more) ago, and realized it was more work than I expected.  Either way, it's getting finished this winter.  Each row of color is 7 rows, and it's the width of a crib blanket.

Looking around the house . . .
We as parents, are secretly hoping Daughter K's move is soon, and goes swiftly.  We have so many home repairs that would be much easier with no animals and less "stuff" around the house.  No word yet on that move.  We love her, but we are ready to have the house to ourselves.

To-do list . . .
-make breakfast
-make crock pot vegetable soup (or dutch oven)
-decided on a bread side or not (depends on energy level)
-get mail, put trash out and water/feed the hens
-unload dishwasher, load dishwasher
-wash any dishes if needed
-empty ash pail
-bake cookies 
(this is the list for the week for me, lol!)

Prayers . . .
For those dealing with covid and for quick recovery (when we all 3 got covid, only two people in our lives checked in on us - family friend and our Daughter E.  I am trying to make sure we check in on anyone that may need help.

Mom, she is back home, and needs assistance most days.  She also mentioned she wanted someone to stay with her (as in live with her).  She may very well end up living with my sister.  


  1. a blessed day of sun, and almost at 32 degrees. What a miserable month January was. We did get a bit of snow, and while we cleared out of the driveway, no city services for quite a while, the side streets were pretty impassable. It lingers, and it needs to move on. Hope you are all feeling better, it does take a while, as some days I have energy and some not so much. I work around it best I can, and I don't overdo because I don't have much to start with. This too shall pass. I have 2 at home one is 26 and he keeps threatening he is going to move, I could sure use the space, it will be less clutter. Love him,'s time to move on the other is 19, finding his way around life at the moment and working 6 days a week. Stay well Kristina!

  2. Congratulations to you and your Bengals! It was a great game even though I was
    wishing the chiefs would win. The opening ceremony was very patriotic and hearing the fans in the stands singing the national anthem was moving. Good luck Bengals! ~jackie~

  3. Faith, we are bracing ourselves for the storm, but two here have to go to work no matter the weather warnings or not. Thanks. I hope you feel better soon too.

  4. Thank you Jackie, it was a great game too.

  5. Sounds like your mom was quite the host yesterday. Glad to know that she has plenty of company visiting her. We are supposed to get quite a bit of snow as well. I dread it, especially since I am not home to care for stuff.

  6. My son is happy with the Bengals win too.
    Stay safe in the storm.
    About children moving out... they don't always bring everything along with them especially if they move in an appartment (no space) and not a house.
    Have a great week

  7. Carol, we too are dreading the storm. Shoveling out our mailbox is a huge chore alone.

  8. Luludou, whatever she doesn't take is being donated or tossed out. I refuse to keep anything after the last one moved out (and left me a huge mess to clean).

  9. We are under a winter storm watch here in Texas too, starting tonight and through Thursday night. I know what you mean about the panic buying. I am just thankful that I always have food in the pantry and can bake bread too if and when needed.

    Your breakfast casserole looks divine.

    Have a wonderful week and stay warm and safe.

  10. Regarding the letters - I wonder if photographing them might be easier than scanning? I know some would say to scan into OCR(?) software so they can be searchable. I have no idea how reliable that is with handwritten letters. Then again, saving as jpg files - the more times you save the more they degrade in resolution. Save them as .tiff or other non-compressed file type. They will be much larger files.

    I totally understand about ready for kids to move out. And hopefully stay out. Love DS dearly, but after all that work to try and get him to be ready to be self sufficient... I hope things get settled with your mom (who, where, etc) before things go off the rails.

  11. Sandra, it's crazy around our area. People have panic bought just about everything on the shelves.

  12. JustGail, I never thought to photograph the letters. Thanks for the idea.

  13. I'd just scan the letters, rather than try to match all the envelopes. Maybe just save a couple of the special envelopes-are the letters signed? That way you'll still know who they were from. A book would be a nice keepsake. Hope you are having a great week so far!

  14. Jean, thanks for your thoughts on the letters. So far, I'm just dealing with a bug of some sort or sinus infection. Hopefully, I can kick it this week.


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