Friday, January 14, 2022

Reading and other tidbits . . .


I've actually been doing some reading.  I finished both of these books.  I passed the James Patterson book on to Daughter E, and I'm keeping the other one.  

Daughter K and her boyfriend are going to look at an apartment this month.  We didn't see this happening until a year from now, but that would help us with home repairs/re-model.  She'd have to re-home her rabbit, but we were happy to hear about this.

I haven't been to the nursing home to visit Mom yet.  I have been calling her daily though.  Daughter K is sick, and it took great lengths to find a home covid test to be sure.  Four people at her work are now out with it.  Her test however showed she was negative.  It's spreading like wildfire in our area.  In fact, I got an automated phone call from the nursing home.  It said two more positive cases at the home Mom is in - one staff and one resident (not what I needed to hear).

Mom has started physical therapy, and they also do a memory test with her.

There has been a lot of thefts in our downtown (little town) area lately, and last night a report of men in hoodies around someone's barn in the country.  Great.  Just what we need.

I called my doctor.  He will not order an MRI for my ankle until he sees me.  Sigh.  I can't get in to see him until the end of the month.  I told my husband, if it heals up before then, I will just cancel the appointment (what I am hoping for).

Snow is heading our way in a few days.  Not sure how much just yet.  I don't watch the news, I just check the weather update, but most days I just look out the window.

Daughter E wants me to gather some healthy crock-pot recipes, so that is on the agenda today.


  1. Our youngest son has come down with Covid, more than likely the variant as that is what is prevalent right now. Oldest son is ill but his rapid tests are showing negative.

    God bless.

  2. Yup. My daughter and her son have now tested positive. Her husband had and looks like getting again, his own Googled-treatment for Bronchitis! Men!!! Her daughter has runny nose, but chose to fly to Florida, twit! And other son and his girlfriend had Covid over the holidays. Yup; they are all in Ohio, too.

    Be safe and prayers up for your Mom in the nursing home.

  3. Jackie, it's spreading way to fast in my hometown where my Mom is right now. I do worry about her. I can't visit until the sickness Daughter K has is gone.

  4. Mother Em, I think I would rather be in FL too right now. Our state has the most cases from what my husband told me. I don't watch the news, so I get updates from him.


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