Saturday, January 15, 2022

Almost Impossible Medical Care....

Daughter K is very sick.  She actually got into an urgent care, but the man was so rude, he left the room after her covid test and said to pay her bill up front.  He wouldn't even listen to her symptoms, and now her lungs hurt very bad.  The guy wouldn't even give her time to get a slip for work.  I understand they are overwhelmed, but the sick-sick can sometimes need breathing treatments at home, antibiotics, or other medications.

I'm making a steam (eucalyptus) for her this morning, but if she is not better, she'll have to go to the ER today for help.  I made her a hot tea last night with freshly grated ginger and thyme.  She said it felt so good on her throat.  She has a horrible cough as well.  We are worried she has pneumonia or something else.  

Now the nursing home where my Mom is at, has 3 staff and 2 residents with positive covid.  I get calls when they update due to me being an emergency person for Mom.  They said they are testing all residents next Monday.

Our weather is frigid cold.  A cold 1°F windchill.  No snow yet.  I was the first one up, and got the fire stoked.  Brr!

I wanted to make us collard greens, but the store had zero, and I have zero in the freezer.  I'll do another check in the freezer this morning, just to be sure.

The nursing home continues to do "memory" tests with Mom.  She said the air is so dry in her room, but they keep her busy most days.


  1. Do you have a pulse oximeter? It's a device that you clip onto a patient's finger which measures the amount of oxygen saturation in her blood. You can probably get one at any pharmacy for under $20.

  2. I hope your daughter is okay, and how scary about the nursing home where your Mom is.

    Our youngest son came down with Covid at the beginning of the week and today says he feels much better. I was really worried that his breathing would be a problem, but other than a sore throat and bad cough (as well as no energy) he managed on his own. We live 2 hours away from him and 9 hours away from our oldest who was also sick this week, but not with Covid.

    God bless.

  3. Chipmunk, yes we do have one and have our daughter using it to keep an eye on her.

  4. Jackie she tested positive for covid yesterday.

  5. My daughter is a primary care nurse practitioner here in South Carolina where Covid is raging. She told me it is useless to go to an urgent care unless you just need a test and don't need treatment. They are overwhelmed and referrals for treatment take time to do paperwork so they just shuffle you right back out the door. Better to try to get even a telephone conference with your regular doctor or, if you are really sick, go to an ER.


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