Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'm Back

I'm back.  It's been cold here.  In fact, we need to split wood today.  Brr.  The chickens continue to lack egg production.

My ankle continues to ache, so I'm calling my doctor today.  I'll update on that when I have any results of further tests.

Daughter K said 3 people are out at her work with covid.

Daughter E had to test due to someone at her work with covid.  She was negative and returned to work.

Update on Mom:  The heart clinic nurse had a serious talk with her.  Over the weekend, Mom fell 3 times in 24 hours and two ER visits.  She was kept in the ER until last night (due to no rooms and the hospital wanting her out). 

She was transported to a nursing home last night.  Her heart failure is worse and now she cannot walk.  She was talked to about hospice or continuing meds/doctor visits etc.  She chose meds/doctors etc.  I have yet to find out if (due to the wide spread of covid) visitors are even allowed.  I'm betting the answer is no. It's spreading so badly here, that people are unable to find tests when they are sick.  Daughter E was one of them.  She was off work for 2-3 days due to lack of finding  a test.

Not sure this is happening in your area, but in ours, medical people are told to go to work if they have covid and their symptoms are mild. I'm concerned over this, as Mom could be treated by a nurse with covid.


  1. They go to work with it? That seems like a bad idea!

  2. So sorry about your mom. I hope things improve now that she is in the nursing home. COVID is spreading rapidly here too. We stay home as much as possible and wear a mask whenever we leave the house. I hope you can get some relief for your ankle soon.


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