Sunday, January 16, 2022

Finsished Halter Top and Not so good news. . .

I finished Daughter E's halter top.  I hope it fits.  If not, there is one size larger available to crochet.  It was the first time for me to create a "twisted cord" for a crochet project.  Very interesting.

Daughter K tested positive for covid, and she is very sick.  I am up early to make homemade ginger-ale, and start a diffuser in my own bedroom.  Unfortunately, I am congested and feel off.  We only have one home test left, and holding onto it for my husband if needed (he goes to work Monday, and if no symptoms has to work).  We need the last kit for if he gets symptoms.  We are having a terrible time find more home test kits (so they can test negative to return to work if needed).  Every place is completely out of home covid test kits, including the libraries.

I am back to working on the baby blanket and have another scrap lap afghan I can finish.  I may have to order some baby yarn today.  Thank goodness for Amazon.  I need supplies for another crochet project.  I have lots of books to keep me busy too.


  1. Beautiful work in that halter top. Oh, to be young and able to wear something like that. She'll definitely love. Hoping Daughter K recovers quickly, you don't get any worse and hubby stays safe.

    Sending warm hugs and hot lemon honey tea from Georgia! We're heading into some nasty weather here today.

  2. Pres. Biden is making available 4 free tests thru the mail starting Wednesday, Jan. 19 - contact COVIDTEST.GOV and they will mail them to you. Also trying to get private insurers to cover cost of at-home tests.

  3. I had to order more test kits and they were hard to find. However a couple of days ago Walmart had them back in stock online. You might look there. They were delivered pretty quickly.

  4. Thank you all, and thank you for the site to order the tests. They had a drive thru testing, but we didn't find out until it had closed (and we don't feel well enough to leave the house either.

  5. That halter top is so cute. Hope everyone gets better soon.


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