Monday, January 17, 2022

Cold but no snow . . .

The southern area of our state is being slammed with snow, however, we woke up to no snow here.  It continues to remain cold.

My husband is home today (holiday), and has wood split for the week (took great energy to do).

Talked to my Mom yesterday, and she is doing okay.  I plan to find some brain game books for her today online.  

There is another staff member at the nursing home that tested positive with covid.

Daughter K remains down and out.  She literally has been on the sofa for days now.  My husband is taking the dogs out, but he is now feeling fatigue.  We'll find out today if he has covid or not.  I myself, have not been sick for 5 years.  I feel horrible.  The fatigue is keeping me down as well.  We are pulling out all my tricks of the herbal trades, and taking immune boost pills.

I am thankful for crochet quarantine projects, but have no energy to read a book right now.  I am back to working on the baby blanket and watching movies and cooking shows. 


  1. If you have COVID, you need zinc and vitamin C for sure.

  2. So sorry you are all feeling poorly. I hope you are all feeling better very soon.

  3. Carol, we all 3 have it, and have been taking C, D and Zinc since the beginning of the pandemic, and now taking immune boost pills as well.

    Thank you Debi

  4. Fatigue is the thing for sure. I am 25 days and fight it every day, some better than others I tire so easily. Hope this moves on from your family soon.


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