Saturday, December 4, 2021

Random Tidbits

It's confirmed that one family member will raise the meat birds in the spring for extended family.  We will all chip in for how many we want.  We are thankful for that.

I finally finished the sleeves on the cardigan.  I am now finishing up the back panel and have one shoulder panel to do, then I can sew it up.

I'm tickled pink that my husband bought me this as an early Christmas present.  I can keep a few projects organized and not sitting all over in different project bags.

Question for those who buy faux fir balls for hats:  where is the best place, for the best price, for the best quality to buy online?  Neutral colors?  I don't want 4 inch ones either.  I am looking for the ones that are a bit smaller and less awkward looking.

I finally got around to getting some more homemade seasoned salt made.  It's great for a lot of recipes.

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