Monday, December 6, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am starting to dread weekends.  I write out the to-do list, and my husband completely changes it.   I literally had to wait for 5 hours for him to return from helping cut pine for grave blankets.  He admitted his help wasn't needed, and he mostly did visiting.  I was not happy. 

Anyway, he did get a few small must do jobs done at the house, but the list remains and I'm starting to add to it.

Sunday morning there was no sleeping in for us.  At 7:30am a dump truck and back hoe pulled in to do repairs on the driveway.  While the boys were here they went out to the "back 40" and hauled some trees up to split (that had fallen down over the summer).

While he installed a new pull string on the splitter, I knocked nails out of old barn wood to cut for kindling.  Later in the day I went out for kindling and saw 3 hawks circling.  I had good timing with that and locked up the chickens.

We split enough wood for about a week, before we quit for the day.  We had to stop, as Daughter E came out and my husband did an oil change on her car for her, then put new rungs on the chicken ramp for me.  I was thrilled to cross off some of the honey-do list finally.

Mom is out of the hospital.  The recliner we ordered for her back in August is finally in transit, however may not arrive until as late as February.  Although she is back to getting meals on wheels, she is insisting one of us take her grocery shopping (again).  Covid is ramped in the area, so I suggested she just make a list.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will join up after she posts this morning.

The weather . . .

48°/21°F,  Chance of a morning shower. Decreasing cloudiness and windy. Morning high of 48F with temps falling to near freezing. Winds W at 25 to 35 mph.

It rained late afternoon yesterday, and we got lots of it.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

 Well, the both of us are feeling hard work in our muscles, from the work we did on Sunday.  

On my mind . . .
Daughter K pulled all my cookie recipes last year and miss filed them.  I am missing one recipe. I will have to go thru the entire recipe box soon to find it.  Daughter E had a cookie baking party for her co-workers, and I was trying to help give her what she needed to make the cookies. She bought butter in a tub (yuck) to make cut-outs.  Ha ha!  I explained to her what she needed and loaded her up with supplies.

Something Christmas related I've done the past few days . . .
Get Christmas cards out and index cards to write and mail a recipe to a few people.

Christmas movie I watched . . .
The Prince, Single All the Way

What I am wearing today  . . .
Sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt.  I have zero plans to go anywhere today.  I do need to make a grocery list and make a quick trip this week.  We are low on fresh veggies and fruits.

On my reading pile  . . .
My Bible

On today's to-do list  . . .
-write out a grocery list
-Bake a breakfast
-plan dinner
-do dishes
-finish up any laundry
-master bath

On my TV . . .
Shooter, Step-Mom (netflix, which is available for free until the end of December)

What I am listening to  . . .
The radio, Christmas Rock 

On the menu this week . . .
-have no idea, will work on it this morning.

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .
I started cleaning out a shelf in my kitchen (that's behind a curtain vs. a door), to make room for my dutch oven.  I found a box way in the back with a digital camera in it.  Later I pulled open some drawers and found 3 more (one of ours that was broken, sent out for repair twice), and lots of cords.  I extreme cleaned all of that up, and gave one working camera to a daughter.  I had to laugh.  One camera took actual film.  I'm unable to donate it, so it'll find a new home soon.

In preparation for the Holidays . . .
Nothing really.  Just checking the freezer and pantry for supplies for a nice meal for us here at the house. 

On my prayer list . . .
Our nephew R.  He has covid.  So far his wife and kids have not gotten it.  There are more and more close to us that are getting sick (again, and had already gotten it).  Mom.



  1. Glad Mom better. And yes I am sorry to say Covid is hitting again everywhere. Have a great week.

  2. Lisa, I'm sort of glad the weather is keeping me inside this month. I may venture to the store once or twice, but plan on staying in for sure.

  3. Glad your mom seems to be better. Covid cases are rising up again here. Limit for Christmas parties is 20 inside a house - and all have to be vaccinated (of course you do what you want in your house but these are the recommendations)

  4. Glad your mom is better. Hope everyone who is sick recovers quickly and the rest of you stay healthy. Have a great week!

  5. I came by to let you know you won my giveaway! My email addy is on my profile page, contact me!

    And I have to say that's a really neat diary activity.


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