Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Random Bits


I'm making progress on the baby blanket.  I'm thankful I had a few very old unfinished projects in my closet.  I will need to ask Daughter K to check my yarn stash upstairs.  I will be keeping this one for any future grandkids.  

Updates on Mom are good thankfully.  

Woke up to a brisk 27°F this morning.  My wonderful husband got more wood for me.  I can load the wood stove, but getting the wood inside is a bit tough right now.

The Christmas meal is planned now.  My chickens are still on strike.  Not sure what the mailman did, but Daughter K found half of it all over the ground yesterday.

My wonderful husband, although rushed for time, made us breakfast before he left for work - sausage/egg/cheese breakfast sandwiches.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.