Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


I'm making progress with my ankle.  The top of my foot no longer swells at all.  I still need to do soaks, and now my knee on the same leg hurts from the boot.  I am bio-freezing the heck out of my knee and putting a epsom salt soaked rag on it when I soak my ankle.  My right wrist is getting sore from the constant crocheting (sigh).

Sunday my husband had errands to run, and while he was out, they called and said the wood stove door was done - $150!  With tax!  Ugh.  He however got a good deal on a brand new garden cart at a pawn shop for us (half the price that TSC was selling them at).  We will give the old beat up one to a biker friend to scrap.

Hubby was literally gone the entire day, and Daughter K was at her boyfriend's college graduation.  During that time, Mom fell again, so I asked my husband to buy her some flowers and check on her.  I called, but wanted someone to check on her physically.  By the way, Mom has an smart watch now, and when she fell she could call my younger brother on it and they stayed on the phone until she could get back up.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
Woke up to 28°F, high of 42°F/27°F

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Frustrated.  My ankle is still swollen, so today it's not just soaks in epsom salts, I'll apply a comfrey poultice.

On my mind . . .
The Christmas day menu.  The day is about quality time and food together this year.  

Something Christmas related I've done in the past few days ..

I embroidered two tea towels for Daughter K and I am finishing up a magnetic fridge notepad and pen for Daughter E (Christmas presents).

Christmas Movie I watched . . .
Unaccompanied Minors
California Christmas City Lights
Christmas in the Heartland
Holiday in the Wild
The App that Stole Christmas
Father Christmas is Back
Three days of Christmas

What I am wearing . . .

On my reading pile . . .
I won this on Leigh's blog at 5 Acres & a Dream.

On today's to-do list . . .
-put away dishes
-write up grocery list
-sheet pan dinner for tonight

On my TV . . .
Travel shows and cooking on Create TV

What I am listening to . . .
Christmas music on the radio

On the menu this week . . .
-sheet pan dinner 
-have no idea, depends on how my ankle feels

Looking around the house . . .
It's not looking like Christmas at all.

In preparation for the Holidays . . .
I sent my husband to the store for cream cheese.  If we want cheesy potatoes (I only make 1-2 times a year), we needed it, and the radio said there was a cream cheese shortage right now.

On my prayer list . . .
Greg (with covid) has passed away.  Praying for Mom, and my ankle to heal completely.


  1. I sure hope you'll be feeling better soon and not in pain. Sorry about the loss of Greg. Thinking of you and wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  2. Thank you Hibiscus House. Wishing you and Merry Christmas as well.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Glad your mom has the iwatch to help out.
    A Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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