Thursday, December 23, 2021

It's her birthday!


Yes, that is our youngest in a stocking the hospital gave us.  She was born on the 23rd and we came home on the 24th of Dec.

Gosh, it's hard to believe we didn't have the farm house back then.  I did grow an herb garden and loved it.  In fact, I pulled all of it and moved the herb garden two times before we landed where we are.  Time flies for sure.

Update on my ankle.  I took a chance and left the boot off for a day.  In the evening I however, needed an ice pack.  Boot went back on, but I will do a half day today and see how it goes. 

My husband is going to split wood by himself this morning.  Daughter K is off work, so I hope she gets up in time to help him.

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Awe~ Happy Birthday youngest 🎂 It is the birthday of the woman who is like my second mother - a good day to be born ~
    Merry Christmas (& hope the ankle continues to heal.)

  2. Happy Holidays to you, too, Kristina! Hope you have a lovely, relaxing Christmas. And I wish you swift total healing on your ankle.

  3. Merry Christmas Kristina!!! 🎄🎄 I hope you heal soon, must be so difficult not to be able to move around like you normally do!

  4. Thank you Rain. It is very difficult to move around with a boot that goes to my knee. Sort of frustrating.


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