Monday, December 13, 2021

Making a Poultice Using Dried Comfrey


I didn't get any comments on if a poultice can be made using dried comfrey.  I did some research myself.  I found that if you are making one for the healing of a broken bone you can make a "tea" with the comfrey and apply the compress 3 times a day.

I decided to make a poultice for my sprained ankle.  I poured enough boiling water over dried comfrey, and blended into a "mash" using my blender.  

I then used a thin layer of cheesecloth and created a poultice.  day one I used the two poultices and iced and wrapped.  Day two it was much better but still a bit swollen (way less pain).

I am still applying a poultice daily, and yesterday was unable to get my ankle in my much boots to go to the coop.  Doctor Daughter K sternly told me that if it's not better "in 3 days" I need to get x-rays done on it.  However, the swelling has gone down each day so far.  The count down is on....

I was able to get on a pair of soft dress boots to head to town.  We needed chicken food, and made a trip to visit Mom.  She looks good, but hasn't had a doctor visit lately.  I do believe she has one today, but I'm not for certain.  We are keeping up on that via group email, and I haven't gotten an email lately, and Mom gets very confused.

We also made a stop at Daughter E's apartment.  It was our first time seeing the inside.  It's very cute to be honest, but small.  No wonder she said she won't buy a Christmas tree.  There is no room in her very small living room.  Tiger made his appearance and loved on me.  It was so good to see him, and to have to give me some kitty love.  I bet he is so happy there, having the entire place to himself.

By the time we returned home, I was so happy to get the boots off.  My foot was so sore from all that walking.


  1. Wish I new about that when I hurt mine. Have a great week.

  2. Lisa, I've put comfrey poultices on sore muscles before and they worked, and for bruises. It's great to have on hand.


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