Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I went where no one wants to go . . .

The comfrey poultices were working great on my ankle, so as I said we went to town and visited Mom.  However, I could barely get my fuzzy, comfy boots on (thought they had the most room).  

We also went to the grocery store, picked up chicken food, visited Daughter E, and went out to lunch with Daughter E and K.  I was exhausted and couldn't wait to get my foot up and iced.

I think I aggravated my ankle.  I woke up yesterday and it was so swollen.  I iced it and decided it was best to call my doctor to be sure what was going on.

I couldn't get into the doctor until Thursday, so I went to the urgent care where they have the ability to take x-rays (they are literally downstairs from where my doctor is).  I didn't want to go that route, but it was better than the ER.

I was so nervous, because I could hear people checking in asking for a covid test.  I made sure I stayed far away from anyone I could.  The nurse laughed when she took my blood pressure.  Yeah, it was high.  I told her I did not want to be there, and was avoiding cooties as much as possible.

(sorry for the bad photo, but it's hard to balance crutches and take a photo, ha ha ha ha!)

I'm now the proud owner of a boot and crutches.  Sigh.  My husband is not happy I cannot do my normal chores.  He however, got up at 4am and got me a bag of peas for my ankle (couldn't find the ice pack), helped me put my boot back on and made me a cheese omelet before he went to work.  

I normally, pack his breakfast, lunch and coffee.  It feels so wrong not being able to do the normal stuff.  I am not one to sit around all day either, so I will most likely be a cranky ol' pain in the rump today.  At least my ankle should heal faster now that I am under different circumstances.  Maybe I will actually read a book today.  I know I won't be drinking a lot of coffee, because that means more trips to the kitchen and that means steps to deal with and yeah....ugh...

At least Daughter K has kept her shoes picked up in the hallway after all of this.

I am however very glad I put an all-in-one meal in the crock pot yesterday morning.  As soon as my husband got home, he picked me up to take me in to town for all of this.  He dropped me off, and then went to Daughter E's apartment to fix her flat tire, and pick her up from work.  It all worked out, but so glad we had a meal when we arrived home after 7pm.

There is nothing "homesteading" about this post, but more so stuff I just can't make up.  Oh, yeah, I can't tend the hens either, so there are two people in the house that have to.

All in all, maybe they will appreciate me more after realizing how much I do around here.  I know my husband does, but maybe my daughter that lives here will realize it.

I can say, on a day stuck in bed with my feet up, I do miss Tiger's kitty snuggles.  I am glad he is with his Mom though.  She really needs it right now.

Hopefully, I will have something interesting to post tomorrow.  It's kind of hard to post anything when you've spent the day off your feet I suppose.

One last ditty here....my wonderful husband got up and made me a cheese omelet for breakfast before he went to work.  He is the best!! He was up at 4am re-wrapping my ankle and icing it with a frozen bag of peas, which helped me sleep like a baby.  He finally found the ice pack this morning for me.  I love him to bits!!


  1. I hope you heal fast and completely. Time to just rest and recuperate!

  2. Time for you to rest! I know it can be hard, but I think it is a good time for you to take care of you.


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